Silly, Boy🕷

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🕷O N   T H E   H O G W A R T S   E X P R E S S🕷

~Draco walked in their compartment~

"Weasel-bee! Stop eating, thats why your fat!" Draco and Pansy said while smirking 

~Rosie stood up but Fred and George pulled her back down~

"Draco, stop Rose is here!" Ron said worried

"So scary! Shes a girl what could she be capable of?" Blaise snickered

~Rosie stood up and bended Dracos blood to make him fall to the ground~

"W-what the hell was that!" Draco said in horror

"Silly, boy!" Rose said

"Told ya so!" Ron said

"SHES A M-MONSTER!" Draco yelled

"No, I'm just...Peculiar." Rose said

"FREAK!" Draco yelled

"Boohoo, Ferret boy." Rose said coldly 

~Draco runs out in horror~

"Woah! What was that!" Neville asked

"Rosie can control Water and Blood with her hands!" Ron explained 

"That's AMAZING!" Hermione said while getting a book to see if Rosie is the only one who can bend water and blood

"Here control this water!" Luna said

~Luna poured some water on the floor~

"Ok." Rose said with no emotion 

~Rosie controlled the water and it started floating in the air~

"Woah, the floor is completely dry!" Luna said in amazement 

"That's brilliant!" Harry said while smiling widely 

"Yes it is, but remember what mum said?"  Fred asked sternly

"Yes Freddie, I'm not allowed to bend at school" Rosie repeated what her mum said earlier 

(I'm gonna say bend instead of control since bend just means control)

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