Ch. 50: Forged

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Steph and I stepped through the portal that she had made. Steph had her hands in her pockets, a frown on her face as the soldiers raised their guns, pointing them at the two of us.

I tilted my head at them, "Put them down. We're here to deal with the children."

A man walked into the room, looking at us before fixing the blue tie that he was wearing. He walked over to us, "You two are...?"

Steph nodded, looking at him with a raised brow, "People of importance. And you are?"

"Everett Ross. You two were out of town?"

I hummed, kicking my feet forward as I leaned my head back, "You could say that. Mind filling us in on what they did exactly?"

"Rogers and Wilson went after Barnes to protect them, while King T'Challa decided to go after Barnes for bloodlust. Battles ensue, and you know the rest."

"Resulting in the capture of Barnes and the arrest of the others," Steph nodded, and gestured towards him, "Why don't you lead the way?"

"They'll be here any moment."

A car drove into the room that we were standing in, and I glanced to it from where I stood. The doors opened and Steve, Sam and T'Challa all stepped out. Steve glanced around before looking to Bucky, then he walked over towards us.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asked, looking intently at Ross.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition."

Sharon, the woman who was with him earlier, spoke up, looking at him, "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander."

Steve's attention was focused on me, a slight frown on his face, "What about a lawyer?"

Ross grinned, "Lawyer. That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup. We'll write you a receipt."

I looked to Steph, dipping my head to her, "Talk with General Ross about these three. I'm gonna pick Steve's brain for information."

Steph nodded, walking with Ross as they left the room. I looked back to the others, watching Sam as he scoffed, "I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that."

"They wouldn't wanna try," I hummed, walking over towards Steve. I glanced at T'Challa, reaching a hand out to him. I had a small smile on my face, "T'Challa, right? Prince- wait, no, King. Sorry. I'm Nicole."

He glanced down at my hand, grabbing my hand and quickly letting go. He let his arms rest by his sides as he glanced at Steve, "Pleasure."

I looked to Steve as well. His attention was on Bucky. Said man was confined in a see-through metal container, restraints on his legs, chest and arms. He shut his eyes as the doors to the room closed.

He looked at it until he turned his attention to me, "Nicole, I can explain-"

"You better use the most descriptive words in the english dialect to explain why in the world Steph and I came all the way down here to deal with the problems you and Sam have created," I hissed, pressing a finger on his chest as we walked, "Jesus, I get it. That's Bucky. But you just broke the law. The new life we live by."

"You didn't like it," Steve pressed, looking at me with narrowed eyes, "You said you didn't want to sign it. Didn't want to be controlled again."

I nodded, "Yeah, that's right. I don't want to be controlled again, but here we are."

"So then why did you sign the accords?"

I tilted my head, slowing down as I looked directly at Steve. I let out a laugh, shaking my head, "Ha, that's funny. Good joke. Me, signing the accords? I'm not rotten liver, champ. I would never sign the accords."

"Your name is on there."

"I told you, I didn't sign the accords-"

"I hate to break it to you, but your name is on there," Sam interrupted, his arms folded as we continued to walk. He let out a puff of air, "And it's your name. Your real one. Nicole Miller."

"I didn't touch a pen and sign some dumb signature on a page in a thousand paged book!" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yet your name is still on there."

"Who else signed?"

"Tony, Natasha, Rhodes, Stephanie-"



I put a hand over my mouth, letting out a frustrated sigh, "Done. I fucking made my point that I was not with the accords, and yet she writes my goddamn name on there! Illegal! Fuck!"

"I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you, Nicole," Steve hummed, glancing away from me. I was barely facing him anymore, my hands falling to my side as I shook my head. "But your name is on there."

"Thank you," I bit out, throwing a glance in his direction. "But now I got to go give her an ear full about all of this. Do not think you're out of the clear yet. We're not the only Avengers you pissed off today."

I turned away from the three of them, walking away. I casted a glare behind me, "And head after General Ross. Maybe calm down the pissed off Avengers."

. . .

"Seriously Steph? You fucking kidding me?" I hissed as I walked into the room. Steph was sitting at one of the chairs, looking up in my direction as I entered the room. Tony was on his phone, talking to someone.

Steph looked from me to the billionaire before looking back towards me, "I'm confused, what did I do?"

"Apparently everything!"

Tony groaned, taking the phone off of his ear and pressing his hand over it, glaring at the two of us, "I'm dealing with Ice Age's problems right now, I really don't need to listen to the drama of two old teenagers with problems."

I ignored him, staring her down, "Why the fuck did you do it, huh?"

"I don't understand what we're talking about," she cautiously responded, slowly getting up to her feet as she looked at me.

"Why did you put my name on that?" I spat, glaring at her.

She grew silent, biting her lip as she drew a hand through her hand. Tony shook his head, before speaking back into the phone, "Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."

Natasha and the others walked into the room, speaking to Steve and Sam as she walked over to Tony, "Try not to break anything while we fix this."

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously, you can quote me on that because I just said it. Anything else?" Tony spoke, staring at Steve as he stepped over to him, phone still to his ear. I turned around, ignoring Steph's presence entirely.

Tony ended the call, putting the phone away and looking at the other two. Steve had a frown on his face, "'Consequences?'"

"Yeah dipshits," I hissed, walking down the steps, "What about this whole situation doesn't scream 'I fucked up and now the government is going to be up my ass' 24/7? Cuz' to me, it really seems like that's what it's saying."

Tony nodded, gesturing at them with the phone that he was no longer using, "Yeah, he wants you both prosecuted. Had to give him something."

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve questioned, raising his brows slightly.

Natasha turned to him, "Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too."

I shifted my gaze back towards Steph, my arms folded as I glared at her. She shook her head, looking away from me. Her jaw was locked, her gaze solid and forward. I looked over to Sam who spoke up, "That's cold."

I scoffed, "Warmer than jail."

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