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Narcissa's heart hurted inside her chest when she received the message from Hogwarts's Headmaster. She got ready really fast, even forgetting to put her hair up, before apparating out the gates of Malfoy Manor.

Dumbledore's warning came through the Floo Network, which made the situation even more worried. She got to contact Lucius as soon as the green flames of the fireplace vanished. Lucius was brief in his answer by saying he was really busy and would have an important reunion at the Ministry, and, that's said, he would see Draco later.

Narcissa wanted to send him a Howler. Or better, wanted to go to the Ministry of Magic and stupefied him. No reunion or appointment could come before their son. But she couldn't expect anything else from that man.

Her high heels snapped over the stone ground, gaining attention from the portraits and students through the halls. When she arrived at the Hospital Wing, it didn't take too long to find her son between the empty beds.

"Mommy!", Draco moaned. He had a bandaged arm. "So glad you arrived soon."

"I came as fast as I could, darling. What happened?" She stroked the blond hair of her only child.

"I almost died in the class of the idiot half-giant!"

"What?", she was alarmed.

"Mrs. Malfoy", Pomfrey arrived with a potion bottle in her hands, "your son suffered a small accident. A hippogriff hitted him, but he didn't suffer anything but some scratches." The Healer looked at her pacient with reproof and pushed to him the bottle of painkiller. "Maybe the shock made it feel worse than actually was."

"Where's my dad?", asked the teenager.

"Will come later. He was busy." The words scratched her throat.

"There's no need to worry your husband, Mrs. Malfoy." The elder took the bottle from Draco's hands. "Your son is discharged. I just needed to clean the scratches and give him some medications."

Narcissa sighed audible. The other two thought that the woman was relieved seeing her son out of danger, but, actually, Narcissa was exhausted, thinking how Draco was as dramatic as his father.

She fought to raise her son away from the resemblance of Lucius. However, her husband always enjoyed displaying himself for everybody, and with Draco wasn't different. This made the young boy take his father as an example, an unattainable hero, and Narcissa was getting more worried by seeing her son walk a path full of arrogance and prepotency. She gave birth to a mini Lucius, and this hurt like a razor on skin.

"I can walk you to the Common Room, if you wish." She proposed.

Draco wanted to refuse, she noticed. Her son was in that terrible phase in which thought he was the world's owner and hated the constant presence of his parents, like if the love of his progenitors passed an image of dependency. However, the boy accepted.

They walked in absolute silence, except by the time that Draco held his injured arm against his body and falsely moaned in pain. Narcissa has needed to hold herself to not roll her eyes.

"You know", she said before Draco got in the Common Room, "if you want to be a great wizard, you need to be stronger than this. If a hippogriff knocked you down, I can't even think if you were in a duel."

"Mother!" He exclaimed with anger and looked to both sides, fearing someone had heard her. "I suffered an injury that could have been mortal!"

"It's alright", she sighed once again, giving up this time for the second image of Lucius she had in her life. "Get well."

The door closed before she could give the first step to far away from there. She walked through the darkness of the dungeons and felt that usual cold of the snakes ward crawl all over her body. She passed by a large and fortified wood door and almost abruptly stopped. She returned two steps back, and asked herself if she would have courage to risk whatever she wanted at that moment.

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