Chapter 8

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Franziska entered the courthouse. It had been 9 months since the note had been found, and she still hadn't quite gotten over it. She was still holding on to the thought he might still be alive, but her grip was slipping. There was a light rain falling, so she hurried to get inside. She was slightly paranoid about rainstorms after being struck by lightning once, when she was a kid.
She entered her lobby, and went over her court record once more. The good news was, she was sure not even Wright could string the evidence to point in a different direction. The bad news was, he was here to try.

Half an hour later, she was whipping him again, absolutely furious. Every! Time! He managed to find holes!
Turn the suspicion to an innocent witness! And they thought it was skill! 'Pure bluffing, and dumb luck. That's all.' She thought. Stretching her whip above her head, she continued to shout at him, and he yelled back, until they heard something that made Franziska's blood go cold.
"Hm. As bitter a rivalry as ever, I see." A cold, smooth, voice rang out through the courtroom. Von Karma froze, and slowly turned her head towards the speaker- Miles Edgeworth.

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