Chapter 3(The trip)

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:Lilly: *Pulls out her phone and texts Jordan* Yo!::

:Jordan: *Text* Sup?::

:Lilly: *Text* You busy this weekend?::

:Jordan: *Text* No, of course not it was last day of school today...::

:Lilly: *Text* Well...::

:Jordan: *text* Well what?::

:Lilly: *Text* Well, you wanna come with me, Avery, and Ethan to New York City this weekend?::

:Jordan: Are you kidding? Yeah! Of course I wanna come!::

:Lilly: *Laughs and texts back* Okay, We'll come pick you up tomorrow morning around 10:30::

:Jordan: *Text* Great! I'm gonna start packing! Bye!::

:Lilly: *Text* Alright bye..::

                                                                           ~The Next Day~

:Lilly: *Bangs on Jordan's bedroom door*::

:Jordan: *Wakes up and groans, then gets out of bed and walks over to his bedroom door and opens it, then sees who it is and quickly realizes he's only in boxers*::

:Lilly: *Gets flustered and blushes*::

:Jordan: *Laughs and closes his door, then changes and grabs his stuff then heads out with Lilly, Ethan, and Avery'::

                                                                               ~At the Hotel~

:Ethan: Alright I got the keys, and me and Avery are sharing a room because she's my girlfriend and you two are gonna share a room because you're best friends::

:Lilly: Okay..::

:Ethan: Alright see you guys in the morning for breakfast::

:Jordan: Yup!::

:Lilly: *Walks into the hotel room with Jordan behind her* Looks like there is only one bed....::

:Jordan: That's fine, we've shared a bed before..::

:Lilly: Yeah...true...*Goes and puts her stuff down, and then sits on the bed and turns on the TV*::

:Jordan: Your not gonna put PJ's on?::

:Lilly: Uh..I am in my PJ's...::

:Jordan: Oh...okay...*Goes into the bathroom and takes a shower, then puts on his sweatpants and walks back out with Lilly's bra hanging on his finger* Do you just leave these hanging in your room or bathroom at home too?::

:Lilly: *Looks at him and rolls eyes, then gets up and grabs her bra, then hangs it back up in the bathroom, then turns around and bumps into a shirtless Jordan leaning on the door frame, then backs up and blushes a bit...*::

:Jordan: *Notices how close they are and blushes a bit, then grins while looking at a blushing Lilly* Ya know, you look like a tomato right now...right?::

:Lilly: *Eyes widen**Tries to walk past him but he stops her by placing a hand on her waist, looks at Jordan's hand on her waist then back up and looks Jordan in the eyes...*::

:Jordan: I just wanted to say something....::

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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