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The first time they met. It had been a special day. One you could only dream about once and never live-in real life. But it happened for him.

He was walking down a path, getting lost in the surroundings of his own village, when he saw it. The sunflower field. Between the horse field and lavender field, there it was. And the sunflowers where even more beautiful than in the wallpaper of his computer. They ere shining of a yellow he had never met before, and where all turned towards the sun, drinking its light. A smile carved itself on his face as he walked closer to it, stepping inside it, getting lost and not asking himself how he would find his path again.

He just loved sunflowers. The way they were, how they faced each other when the sun was out, their old ways of healing. Everything. Everything was a reason more for him loving them.

But he was so lost in his thoughts and his wonder that he didn't stop once to think twice if it was okay to step in that field.

"Hey?" That voice surprised him. No, let's be honest. It scared him. He thought he was alone, that no one but him was here, that... that... He had no more excuses. So, sheepishly, he turned around, to the voice behind him, and said nothing. Because he had nothing to say. Just stare. It was a girl. A girl and a boy in a wide and crowded field. When he saw her, he felt he knew her. But he had never. Never seen at his school those dirty blond locks, never came across at the supermarket this tan skin with freckles all over the face, never ever did her but he felt as if they had already talk. But it didn't happen, not in his dreams, not in his real life. Then she smiled and he knew. It wasn't possible that they hadn't already met. Because he knew that smile, he knew those dimples. From somewhere he couldn't remember.

"Sorry." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. Sorry for going in a private field or sorry for staring to long. Sorry for being too wrapped up in meaningless thoughts or sorry for thinking she was someone worth making his heart pump harder. He didn't know why he was sorry. It just felt right to say so. It fitted.

"Ah don't worry." Her eyes, green, shone and he blushed. He fucking blushed. Why? Why would he have blushed? Why was he falling for this girl he had never saw before and had just met? He wanted to wonder what was wrong with him, but he couldn't. Because there was nothing wrong with having a fondness towards someone like that. It wasn't wrong. It fitted. "I just take care of this place, as a part time job. I'm Blossom by the $way; I live right down the path."

"Uh, Aspen. I'm right up the path."

Aspen and Blossom. Blossom and Aspen.

That day they went, they orbited around each other, in a valse of words and taunt. They shouldn't have become friends so quickly, fallen in love so fast. In the morning they started as strangers. At night they were friends who blushed at each time.

But it wasn't wrong. It just fitted.

Sunflower FieldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin