Prologue// sneak peek

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So, this was it. My last day of freedom before it was taken away from me.

You see, I lived in a century that had long since diminished the idea of people's rights. Everyone was under the rule of this tyrant who went by the name of "Luka", but most people called him Lucifer. he was basically what you could call a modern day Hitler in every aspect. He blamed all of his problems on other people who sadly had to be my religion. (A/N I'm totally making this religion up) Our religion was called Valism, basically we led the life of a Christian but believed in a different God. Luka hated us for some reason, and was having us slaughtered by the thousands. And for those obvious reasons, my parents were forcing my family into hiding. But being the kind hearted people they were, we wouldn't be going into hiding alone. No, we would be cramped in the attic of an old family home with the Styles family. And even worse, I happened to resent their youngest son. Harry Styles.

(A/N soo hello everyone. This is a preview of my new book I've been wanting to write for a while now. I'm probably going to publish more in like a month, maybe less, when I've written more chapters. Please leave comments if you would like me to continue!! I love to hear from you guys:))

Him. (Harry Styles AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora