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~(Y/n) Pov~

     The explosion was loud, making my ears ring for a moment. I winced as I covered my eyes harshly, Saitama's arms around me making it slightly difficult. When I opened my eyes back up I could see debris flying past us.

     "You okay?" He asked me in a serious tone, I almost didn't hear him. I nodded with a small hum in response. "Good.." I could hear someone cackling as Saitama let go of me and instead carefully threw me behind him as he analyzed the situation.

     "Hahaha! I will be the richest man in the world after I rob the rest of the banks in Japan!" A man exclaimed, I peered over Sai's side and noticed he wasn't even human. He seemed to have cat like qualities, his head was a felines while his arms and legs were covered in fur. He had a tail, which was holding a machine gun while his hands held bags of money. 'This city is crazier than I remember...'

     "Yeesh, what a freak show," Sai mumbled, I giggled in response. Not very appropriate for the situation, but with him being here I wasn't too worried. I looked at his back, it was dirty from the debris he shielded me from, but no injuries could be seen. "You head on home, I'll handle this." He glanced back at me, I shook my head. No way am I getting lost for a second time. He groaned in annoyance. "Just as stubborn as when we were kids..." I barley heard him mumble before he walked over to the cat man.

     "Don't try to stop me Baldy, I'm going places!" The man boasted. I could see the irk mark on Saitama's head from where I was standing, chucking in response. 'You're so dead..' I watched as Sai punched the dude in the stomach, sending him flying and crashing into a building.

     "There's my bad guy for the week," Sai mumbled before joining my side. I had a questioning look on my face to which he just shrugged and started walking forward. I followed in behind him before catching up to his side. The walk from then on was pretty silent, but it was never awkward.

     "I need to hem this skirt up and burn the one I'm wearing," I joked as we walked into the apartment building. I went to unlock my door only to find it unlocked, I was confused when the door opened with ease. Any anxiety I had melted away when I saw Genos sitting on my bed with Pecan laying down next to him. He waved to me.

     "Good Afternood, (Y/n)-San. I assume work was well?" He asked as I walked in. I had heard Saitama go into his apartment and shut his door behind him. I assumed he was going to shower since he got pretty dirty.

     "Yeah, it was kinda boring but Sai kept me company," I told him as I shut the door behind me. I went to a small desk that I had gotten not too long ago when the van holding all my stuff finally came around. I opened up a drawer to find my sewing kit so I could work on the skirt. I looked over at Genos, who was staring me down. It made me slightly uncomfortable.

     "You seem to be in a good mood, but your heart rate is a little high," right, high tech sensors..

     "Genos, don't you know it's rude to analyze people without consent?" I joked, he mumbled a small sorry in response. "I'm messing with you, there was a bank robbery on our way back, guess it startled me." I explained to him.

     "I assume Master dealt with it?" I nodded with a small smile as I sat down to start the hemming. "What are you doing?" He asked as he got up from my bed and joined my side.

     "Hemming this skirt so I know I'm actually covered when I'm working," I told him, lifting the skirt after a few minutes to examine the work. It was pretty good, you could barley see where I had taken it up. I got up and went to the bathroom to change, making sure I didn't hem it too much or not enough. I slipped it on and it was a perfect fit, and the skirt was now past my knees. I smiled as I changed into some more comfortable clothing. When I walked out Genos wasn't around. 'Guess he got bored and left.' I felt something rub up against my leg, looking down I seen Pecan as she meowed up at me.

     "Ya hungry girl?" I asked her with a small smile, she mewled in response. "I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled before grabbing her a bowl of the cat food I had bought. 'Hope I picked the right kind..'

~3rd Pov~

      "Genos I wish you would drop it.." Saitama mumbled as he stepped out of his bathroom, now clean with some comfortable clothes. The young cyborg was talking to him about his change in attitude.

      "Master you act differently now that (Y/n)-San is around, you must notice it as well," Genos told him. Saitama just shrugged as he sat down and turned on his tv. "You stayed with her throughout her shift. You wouldn't have done that for anyone else..." Saitama sighed, he knew the cyborg was right. But to him, (Y/n) wasn't just anyone else, they had known each other for years and were once inseparable.

     "(Y/n) knows who I used to be, Genos. Plus, I was only there to make sure no one perved on her..." He mumbled as he he flicked through the channels. He stopped on the news when he couldn't find anything else to watch. "Just drop it kay? It's not important, you should be worried about getting stronger."

     "If that's what you wish..." The cyborg mumbled before walking to the door. He heard a soft ping, looking down at his phone to see it was the Hero Association. They were calling all S class heroes. "I am being summoned by the Hero's Association."

     "Maybe you're getting fired," the bald man from across the room joked with a small laugh following. He waved the cyborg off as he left, the door shutting softly behind him.

~(Y/n) Pov~

     I knocked softly on Sai's door, Pecan in my arms purring softly as I pet the top of her head. I was bored after Genos left and I had nothing else better to do. I didn't want to risk getting lost again either, 'Maybe I should have Sai show me around...'

"Oh hey, (Y/n), what's up?" I heard Saitama ask me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I gave him a small smile as Pecan mewled.

"Oh I was just bored and was wondering if I could hang out here for a bit," I told him. He moved over so I could walk in, I sat Pecan on the ground as I heard Saitama shut the door. "Where's Genos?" I asked, noting that the young cyborg wasn't here.

"He was called in by the Hero Association," he waved it off as he plopped back down on the ground, Pecan rubbing up against him.

     "Damn that kitten really likes you," I mumbled as I sat down beside him. She purred softly as Saitama softly stroked her head, a small smile on his face.

     "Most animals run away from me.." He stated as he watched the kitten curl up against him. It was honestly the cutest thing I'd seen all week. "You get the skirt fixed?" He asked as he glanced in my direction, I nodded.

     "Yep! Now I can feel more comfortable at work," I sighed with a small smile. My smile soon left at the sound of sirens, they were loud as hell.

     "Attention! This is an announcement from the Hero's Association! Emergency evacuation warning!" It screamed, making my blood drain from my face. "Threat level: Dragon!" What does 'dragon' even mean? I looked over to Saitama, who was now standing. He walked over to a small clothes rack and grabbed something yellow, white and red before going into the bathroom. Pecan crawled into my lap, a small meow following. Once Saitama came out, he was wearing what looked to be his hero suit, this was my first time seeing it. I could see through the yellow material that he had a pretty toned body hiding within, a white cape flowing behind him like how it does in tv shows and movies. To top it off he wore matching rubber gloves and boots that were a bright red.

     "Don't worry about it, (Y/n). Just stay here and your be safe," he assured me before leaving the apartment. 'Be careful...'


Word Count: 1473


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