Home again

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It was a dark and musty day as the fog drew itself around the hills wrapping the countryside in a looming grey.  Amz stood in the centre of a small and damp shack that was leaning to it's left.  It was empty and smelled like smelly socks.  Next to her stood     Soqhie.  Both girls stood in the damp shed waiting.  The silence stretched beyond them as neither of them dared to speak.  Dared to disturb the monster in the shadows.  They weren't afraid.  They waited patiently staring beyond the shed through a crack in the wall that over look the hills of the country.  Amz was a small girl with shoulder length brown hair and a lightly freckled face.  Her lips were pursed and her brows were furrowed as the wind blew threw the creaking unstable shack onto her face.  Soqhie was a little taller than Amz and had longer blonde hair.  It blew in the light wind and she had to clench her fists to keep herself from wrapping her arms around herself to stay warm.  The dampness seeped under her thin coat making her shiver.  Both girls continued to stare forward unable to move.  They had been standing there for almost an hour when from behind, they heard the large wooden door creak loudly.  They didn't turn around, rather listened.  Footsteps drew nearer and nearer and with every one, both girls flinched.  It had been so long since the three of them had been united that none of the girls knew what to expect.  The footsteps stopped and Amz glanced at Soqhie signalling to her to turn around.  They both did slowly and stood bravely facing the tall slim figure that stood before them.  As it stalked closer, the face of the person was illuminated.  Through the shadows of the dark day, Amz could hardly make out a face.  The boy had short dark hair and was wearing ragged clothes that were dirty and torn.  There was dirt on his face and his cheeks and eyes were much more sunken that Amz remembered.  Still, he sounded the same when he said "Long time, no see." "Grbdy". Amz said.  "It's been a while since I've seen you."  Grbdy had been Amz and Soqhie's closest friend before "the incident". The three of them stood in silence again for a moment taking in the fact that they were all here together.  after a few moments, Grbdy finally spoke.  "So, what's the plan?"

Thank you so much for reading!  I hope you've enjoyed the chapter! I know not a lot happened but I'm just trying to set up the story.  Please feel free to give more suggestions in the comments as to what should happen in the story, and what I should call my readers.  Word count for this chapter in 465!  Can't wait to publish more!

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