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Spencer's eyes opened and closed as the sun peaked through the curtains that were attached to the guest bedroom window. He groaned as the pain hit him like a train. He closed his eyes again as he tried to focus his vision. The pain was damn near unbearable.

He only remembered bits and pieces of last night. He was surprised he remembered anything. He definitely had too many drinks last night and he was now being hit with the consequences.

"Shit," Spencer groaned as he sat up. He exhaled slowly as he rested his back on the headboard.

He knew where he was. The guest room. He vaguely remembers arguing with Kim about his whereabouts. He remembered the women in his section but one woman stood out like a sore thumb. Olivia.

He was surprised as ever to see her there. He never thought he would see her in a club. She was never really the type. He wondered how much actually changed since they broke up. She honestly looked amazing and he loved how the black complemented her. It was always her color. However, he didn't remember how he got home.

Spencer looked around when he heard movement. The room door was open so he decided to get up slowly so that he could head down the hall to the kitchen. He didn't have his crutch next to him, so he used the bed, door and the wall as support.

He could see his wife in the kitchen washing up yesterday's dishes. There was soft music playing. He heard her hum along as she continued to clean. When he finally approached the kitchen, she didn't look up once to acknowledge his presence.

He sighed as he figured out that she was still upset. He decided to break the awkward silence. "Good morning." Spencer spoke with a raspy voice.

Silence. She continued to hum along to the song playing as she rinsed the freshly washed dishes before loading them into the dishwasher. Spencer stood along the bar as he watched her.
"Good morning." He spoke again but a little louder.

He huffed when she still didn't bother to look up. Seeing the stereo that the music was coming from, Spencer took it upon himself to turn it off. When the music stopped abruptly, Kim looked up. The expression on her face showed that she was annoyed.

"Why would you do that?" She asked. Her voice was laced with attitude.

"You didn't hear me speaking to you?" He asked her, annoyed.

He watched her slam down a plate as she rested her hands on both sides of the sinks edge. "No. I didn't."

He knew she wasn't being truthful but he decided against calling her out on the childish behavior. "Well I was trying to tell you good morning." He repeated as he sat on a bar stool. He watched her play with the gloves that protected her freshly manicured hands from the soapy water.

"Good morning." She whispered.

"How'd you sleep?" Spencer asked. He tried to make conversation.

"Fine. It would've been better if I had my husband next to me." She finally looked up.

Spencer chuckled, "You didn't want that."

"You didn't give me a chance to say what I wanted. You made up your mind so I had no choice but to go with it." Kim responded.

"I did what I did because I knew we would just argue all night. There was no point of us being in the same room together." Spencer explained. He got up to limp his way to the fridge to fetch a water.

"Arguing is normal, Spencer. It's something married people do. You always run away like it's the most unnatural thing in the world. This is why so much goes without understanding. I just need you to listen." Kim stated. She put down her gloves and grabbed his hand causing him to look at her.

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