Chapter 0

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In a tree house deep in the forest, four kids could be seen crying after a green haired child told them about something...

He's moving.

"Why are you moving..." The purple haired child asked trying to keep in his tears and sniffles. The child beside him was outright bawling really loudly. The most rational of the them was a purple haired female with some impressive ears who asked for his mother's number so she could still contact him holding her tears in so that he doesn't worry about her.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know until today..." A small green haired male explained.

"D-don't apologize dummy! You didn't do anything wrong, we're just sad that we don't have time to play with you anymore..." The yellow haired child hit him lightly, he felt like he could just cry.

"Hey... How bout meet back at UA...Lets make a band too! We'll become the top band and heroes!!" Shinsou suggested holding his pinky finger out.

"Yeah lets do that!" Izuku agreed a bright smile placed on his lips.

"Mhm, sure"

"Yess! Lets do that!" They all agreed connecting their pinky fingers.


"Did you tell your friends goodbye?" A male voice brought him out of his little trance.

"Mhm..." Izuku confirmed with a small sound.

"Alright let's go then honey," Another voice called out.


"You have a voice related quirk young lad. We think you are able to alter reality with your songs, this is an incredibly strong quirk," The doctor informed the family. "But we'd like to confirm this theory, can you please enter the testing room?"

"Alright, lets go Izuku."


"Sing for me, after this you can wait a while for the results," He told Izuku softly.


"Two hearts, one valve Pumpin' the blood, we were the flood We were the body and Two lives, one life tickin' it out, lettin' you down Makin' it right..."

As the child sang mint green wings sprouted from his back and lighter colored feathers on different parts of his body.

Mesmerised the doctor stared at Izuku while his parents looked at him in pride.

"Ok, thank you Mydoriya. You may leave now, the results will come in a few," The doctor said breaking out of his trance.



"Alright. So your quirk allows you to change yourself temporarily with songs. You gain the features of what your singing about and changes back at will. What will you name your quirk?"

"......Song Alter..." 

(A/N: Forgive my horrible naming skills.You're welcomed to suggest a better quirk name)

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