Chapter One: Fathers' Order

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 Gemini Malfoy was happy to lead the life she lead. She lived in a big manor, she had a twin brother and amazing parents. Well, her mother was amazing. She didn't know her father much. Ever since she was young, she was raised by her mother. She was taught by her father, of course. Taught the pureblood way. How the Malfoy bloodline was one of the most Noble houses in the Wizarding World. Oh yeah, Gemini was a witch. A powerful one at that. 

 Back to it, Gemini comes from one of the most Noble and purblooded houses in the Wizarding World. Her name held wealth, power, and influence. Her father, Lord Lucius Malfoy, Lord of the Noble House of Malfoy, was the head of the family. Her mother, Lady Narcissa Malfoy, was his beloved wife. Gemini and her older twin, Draco, were the heir and heiress of the Malfoy name. Her father held a job at the Ministry of Magic, at the right hand of the Minister of Magic, Cornelious Fudge. As a Noble House, the Malfoys have certain duties that other families in the Wizarding World don't have. Her father controls the family fortune and finances, he takes care of any problems with money, makes buisness deals, and handles the bank accounts in Gringotts. Her mother is in charge of their appearance, she arranged public outings with other Noble houses, luncheons with Ladys of other Noble houses, Yule balls at the Manor, basically anything that required the planning of a woman. Draco was to follow their fathers lead, learn the family trade and then one day take over when Father wished to retire. Gemini, as a young lady, she took etiquette classes, ballroom dancing classes, language classes, and she learned how to arrange plans from her mother. She had another job though, keep the Malfoy name in good light. Since she isn't a man, she can't take over for her Father or brother if anything were to happen. She has to marry into another powerful and influental family in order to keep her familys name in high status. This meant countless meetings with young boys her age from other Noble familys, scoping each one out as a potential future husband. This was the one downside to Geminis' lavish life. She wanted to marry for love - if she were to marry ever. 

 Right now, the twins have been 11 for three days. Their Hogwarts letters arrived over breakfast - and it took Gemini all of her pureblood will to keep from squealing over her breakfast. Gemini was in her room, looking through her wardrobe trying to decide what outfits to take with her. She was deciding between an emerald green jumper and an blood red jumper when Tipsy, her personal housed elf, apperated in her room with a pop. 

 Gemini jumped and started. "Oh! Tipsy, you made me jump!" Gemini giggled.

"Tipsy is sorry miss, but Miss Malfoys' Father requires her presence in his study." Tipsy said with a bow, her long elfish nose nearly touching the floor. 

 Gemini nodded. "Alright, will you tell him I'll be there in a moment?" She asked, giving a silent permission to stop bowing. 

Tipsy nodded, snapping her long fingers and disappearing with a snap. 

 Gemini bit her lip, what could Father possibly want? She glanced back at the jumpers in her hands, before throwing them both unceremoniously into her trunk. She stood and made her way to her Fathers study, before knocking on the door quietly. 

 "Come in, Gemini." She heard her Fathers cold voice answer from inside his study. She inwardly flinched, before opening his study and walking in. 

 Lord Malfoys study was nothing less than that of his status, he had First-Class books sorted neatly on polished dark wood shelves, his desk facing the door, the dark room making it seem even more ominous than it would be. The fireplace was empty, the polished stone gleaming in the candlelight. The Lord himself was seated at his desk, filling out paperwork as he addressed his daughter.

 "Hello daughter, have a seat please." He gestured to the dark chair which Gemini promptly sat it. They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments, the only sound in the room was her Fathers quill scratching at the paperwork. Finally her Father placed his quill in its holder and sat his paperwork to the side. 

 "You're aware as to why I called you here, I assume?"

No, sir." Gemini quickly answered, using all the pureblood lessons she was made to take to her advantage, "I was hoping you would explain to me why I was summoned." 

 "Well Gemini, as you know you and your brother are due at Hogwarts in a few weeks time." Gemini nodded, "Well, Draco already knows what I expect of him. Talk to more pureblood children, get more allies. And that's part of what I want you to do to. What I also want you to do, is be on the look out for a future husband." Father said with athourity.

 Gemini groaned. "But Father-"

"But nothing Gemini! You are the daughter of the House of Malfoy, you need to marry pure! I will not have you ruining everything I have worked for!" Her Father stated harshly, getting close to her face. Gemini gulped, nodding weakly. Her Father moved away from her and returned to his relaxed position. 

 "I'm glad you understand your role, you may go." Her Father dismissed her. Gemini couldn't get out of that room fast enough. 

 When Gemini returned to her room she collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily. Her thoughts swarmed in her head, like millions of butterflies. She knew exactly the life plan that was set for her. She was to attend Hogwarts, and if she couldn't find a suitable suitor by her 15th birthday, she would be forced into a marriage contract with Blaise Zabini, a boy from the Noble House of Zabini. From there she would be made to get married on her 17th birthday, and bear his children. All to keep the family pure. She shuddered as she thought more on her destined future. If the Dark Lord were to make a return, surely her Father would make her and Draco take the mark. She would be a Death Eater. 

 Gemini felt hot tears sting her eyes, and she quickly tried to rid of them. She couldn't cry. This was her life. Her future. She was lucky to have such a comfortable lifestyle, and not have to worry about finances. But - her life was being lived for her. She wasn't able to make her own decisions. She wasn't free. 

 But - a voice in the back of her head said - you don't have to go along with the plan. Sure, find a pureblood to marry. It doesn't have to be one from the Dark though. Gemini smirked as an idea stated blooming. All she had to do was find a pureblood, and teach him how to act in front of her parents. If he played the part perfectly, she won't have her life lived for her. She chuckled as she looked in the mirror of he wardrobe, her black and blonde hair framing her face as her storm grey eyes held mischief. 

She decided. She would follow Fathers' Order.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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