Chapter 5

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- Third person -

( I don't know why I have to say it but everything here is platonic no shipping only if it's canon!)

- Tw self h!rm indication, abuse manipulation-

Phil was sitting next to Tommy watching as is chest rose and fell indicating he was breathing.

He felt terrible he should of been there for his son, not ignoring him because of the guilt he felt when from killing Wilbur, he even spoke to Techno yet ignored Tommy in fact avoided him, Phil felt ashamed for doing it.

Tommy is only sixteen (in this au currently)..

There was soft snores coming from Tommy and soon Techno joined Phil and sat next to the bed watching him.

" How did he get here like this?" Phil asked

Techno turned to face Phil and gave him a sad face, he did want to tell him how he found him and his interaction with Tommy when he woke up, it would break Phil but he needed to.

So he did, he told Phil everything that had happened and Phil sat there in shock, and without Techno needing to say Dream probably had something to do with it knew he did after all he has caused most of Tommy's pains for the past few years.

Dream has caused most of the pain to a sixteen year old.

They stayed silent for a while just watching Tommy pondering on what they should do and Tommy started to grumble.

" Dadza?" Tommy mumbled

" Tommy your ok!" Phil felt relieved Tommy woke up after around an hour of them waiting.

Phil embraced Tommy and they didn't let go from their hug.

" Please you have to tell me and Tech what happened mate" Phil told him stroking his hair.

Tommy shivered at the thought of what happened but knew he did really need to tell that what happened and what dream had been doing to him for the past few months.

So he told them in full detail-

How dream manipulated him into thinking he was his only friend

How dream clipped his wings to stop him from flying

How he blew everything up even in his face when he was crying

How he cut off his wing

How Tommy wasn't visited by almost anyone the whole time

He told them everything and cried as he did it.

After he told them they all got into a group hug.

" It's best that we take the bandages off they're going to be dirty" Techno said breaking the hug " the only ones we'll probably need to replace are the ones on his back and maybe his arms"

Tommy panicked when Techno mentioned his arms did he see them?

They started fixing his bandages of his back then his arms first and then when they finished that they moved on to his face.

" We're about to take the masks off your face tell us if the light Is too bright" Phil said and he took the bandage off his face.

" You said you were going to take it off, why haven't you" Tommy said after a minute

Then Techno's and Phil's eyes widened,

" can you not see anything?" Techno asked

Tommy shook his head.

" Tommy I think you've gone blind..." Techno said that would make sense though tnt was blown up in his face...

Tommy's eyes widened at this, was he blind? Surely not... He can't be! This is some kind of joke isn't it!?

Tommy started to sob, this can't be true...

He's blind and there is no way in getting his sight back...

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