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Being hopeful was something Seokjin deemed as useless, there wasn’t much left for him to hope for as he kept re-reading the godforsaken email he just received at the ass-crack of dawn. Trying to process his thoughts at this hour was already tough that he was suddenly struck with the realisation that he will be needing to find a new job, ignoring all the unread ‘happy new year’ messages he had in his inbox he quickly opened Taehyung’s contact to check up on him- only to see the tons of selfies and updates about his whereabouts he has sent while being out with his friends for the celebration.


Tae baby : i will sleep at chim’s as its late and you will eat my head off for being on road while tipsy, heres my beautiful face to ease your worries seoki <3

[attachment #1]


Seokjin smiled a little at the last message and the selfie he sent, him with his hair ruffled and messy while having rosy blush on his cheeks thanks to the alcohol. The smile was turned into a frown as soon as he was reminded of why even was he awake in the first place.


Seokjin sighed, ‘that one day I decide to sleep early I am greeted with the fact that I will be unemployed right before the sunrise?’ He stayed in bed for another hour to gather his thoughts, somehow finding a ways to blame himself about his job when it was clearly stated by the head of his department that the company being on the verge of bankruptcy had them dismantling few departments, which included Seokjin’s.


At least I have a recommendation letter from him, I guess not calling out his bullshit all those time got me on his good side.’ Seemingly done with all his morning routine he walked up to the fridge contemplating over if he should eat or not, not having an appetite but still taking out the small packet of strawberries and putting a glass of milk to warm in the microwave. He sighs out aloud this time while shoving the berries in his mouth and scrolling on his phone trying to figure out if he should to apply to a firm right away or just stay unemployed for a few days.


He was scared of unfamiliarity, hated it, there was never a time unfamiliar situations brought him peace or even an ounce of happiness. That constant fear of not having an idea about what the fuck is actually going on with your life has never been plesant for anyone. He took it upon himself to never end up in unfamiliar situation.


It was surprising to find him without any idea of what he will be doing now, he needed a break but he didn’t want that break too, he knows he will be needing to get a job because even if his own student debt is paid he didn’t wish to have his brother do just any job to get that debt off his back. He had dreams, unlike Seokjin.


Heaving a big sigh, Seokjin moved back to his room deciding that he would be spending this day as any man would in his mid twenties- doing nothing. It didn’t take much long for him to fall asleep while scrolling through the internet for job vacancies, surprisingly he found quite a lot of good positions available and suitable to him. ‘It doesn’t hurt to apply even if the chances are slim.’ By the time he was feeling drowsy he had applied in nearly five firms and two entertainment agencies.

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