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Guess what? Putting on his business smile and persona wasn't enough. 


I. Did. Not. Expect. This


Jin was prepared for everything, well- everything other than this interview. For a solid hour he sat there giving answers regarding every single detail for questions directed towards him, questions varied from being about what he expects from the company to what his old job comprised of. 


Why the fuck are they so intense?’ It took everything in him to not sigh when the jolly looking man opened another file.


He was quite used to intimidating meetings and contracts but right now he felt tired by the amount of inquiry they are going through. He has interviewed handful of people previously and an interview for a any position lasting twenty minuted is a stretch.


When he expected the interview to end, they sprung a bunch of unusual questions “How much time would you deem suitable for yourself when on business trips overseas?”


“Do you think you can see yourself working on managing someone’s image on media platforms?”


“How well do you work with keeping check of multiple team at the same time?”


Seokjin had taken his sweet time answering each question, explaining how much he is used to clearing someone’s image on social media and with time, has made good amount of acquaintances with news outlet and their managers. He took pride in accepting that he is had been head for one department yet took part in management of other departments.


And when it comes to how much time he can put aside for business trips, he really doesn’t fucking care. Theres not must present here he’d invest in so his schedule was embarrassingly way too flexible.


“The recommendation letter states you have an impressive record with projects dealing with promotions and schedule management, will you consider a job if its main focus was these two things?”


“I will accept a job if I deem it as proper. My main skill set is management, may it be of budget or people.” Seokjin was beyond confused, he clearly has the job then why are they still interviewing him- ‘AH, this is for the high profile part of the email?


The part of the fact that he might be landing a high profile job slipped his mind, blame the interview for being exhausting enough that he forgot about something /that/ important.


There is always enough space for one to wonder about what will happen or hope for something to happen. Somehow, it has been more of a constant cycle of ‘what if’s mixed with ‘why is this happening’. Without the aspect of hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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