Their encounter

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Amaan trudged over to the bus stop grumbling and mumbling to himself.

It was definitely going to be hard as the new kid and he knew it firsthand as he was experienced in this stuff.

The boy wished his parents would just stay in one place instead of moving ever 3-5 business days.

Amaan was stopped when he bumped into another boy- with the same school uniform!

The boy started yelling, "WHY'D YOU BUMP INTO ME I SWEAR FAM, YOU BLIND??!!!"

Amaan didn't even know what to say.

The guy he just bumped into was surrounded by his friends and as he was yelling, Amaan took a look at the boy's I.D.

He peered closely and thought,
"Hmmm so this boy is called Rehaan, I think we are in the same form! I hope I don't have to sit next to him though....he does NOT seem friendly at all!"

When Rehaan was done ranting about what just went on, his friends guffawed and laughed hysterically.

He (amaan) didn't even know what was that funny but Rehaans friends seemed to find it as good as the next joke.

Just in time, the bus came and they all stepped on. Amaan went and sat further away than Rehaan and his gang.

Pretty soon, they arrived at school and amaan stepped out and thought about how his days there would be like, whether he would have to sit with Rehaan, make friends or even fall in love....

Amaan X rehaanWhere stories live. Discover now