Chapter 1: Welcome to "The Shelter"

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An endless war that plunged the world into darkness, destroyed peace and claimed endless lives continues to rage on.

Over half the world's population has perished due to the excess use of nuclear weapons, and water levels are rapidly rising due to the sheer terror of weapons that have sunken entire countries. Technology has mostly returned to a primitive state, and the majority of people around the world live in community built settlements. Only the government and the rich are able to live in a semblance of what the world was like before the war.

One of these settlements is a shelter built in a country that has been mostly destroyed and submerged in water. It was originally built by the government to house orphans who have lost their parents in the war, but its use was then extended to war veterans who have returned alive but no longer have a family or home to go back to. The place have been long since abandoned by the government as the losses incurred during the war were far too great, and they decided that a shelter for orphans and people involved in the war were not worth the sparse resources they have. The children there now are under the care of Almeric Soldaterin and Ilyia Cthulhurin. 

Almeric is the latest person to be admitted to the shelter, just a little over a week ago before the government stopped providing support to the shelter. He is a 20 years old man with disheveled hair and a boyish face. A big vertical scar runs across the left side of his face. He is considerably well-built, something that can be attributed to his career, a soldier. He lost his left arm in the war from the hand up to the forearm,  and he is now utilizing a hook modeled from scrap material he collected around the shelter as his prosthetic arm.

 He lost his left arm in the war from the hand up to the forearm,  and he is now utilizing a hook modeled from scrap material he collected around the shelter as his prosthetic arm

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Ilyia has been in the shelter for a considerably longer time. She is 18 years old, and has long hair with neatly cut bangs and a face with soft features. It was said during her service in the war by male soldiers that her gentle smile could even reignite the spirit to fight in the most injured soldiers. She worked as a nurse that assisted in treating the wounded, and she have even occasionally treated soldiers that were from the enemy countries. She is gravely ill as she is the sole survivor of a poison attack launched by enemy forces on the first-aid center she served at, and she now faces the side effect of having all her organs slowly fail, meaning that death's door looms closer everyday for her.

The both of them serve as the adult figures of the shelter and continues to trudge on in this hopeless world to provide a safe haven for the children. 

Almeric oversees the safety of the shelter, trying his best daily to keep everyone safe. However, he isn't well liked due to his curt and cynical personality, and he doesn't let it show that he at least cares about the safety of the young ones. However, he doesn't take it personally. How much worse could things get?  Accepting the fact that his body is as broken as the world, nothing else could really affect him anymore.

"Mr. Soldaterin! Mr. Soldaterin! There's an emergency!"

A boy living in the shelter rushes to Almeric's room and pounds on his door repeatedly, crying for help. Almeric slides off his bed and walks over to the door to answer the boy.

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