Friday Evening

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 Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they are all from J.K Rowlings imagination :)

Hermione sighed, it was a Friday evening and she was exhausted. She had been trying all week to get Harry and Ron to begin studying for their Owls, but to no avail since they had apparently decided to ride their fame all the way to the Ministry of Magic through the offers they had been getting for Auror training. 

Apparently, they had a spot no matter what, even if they completely bombed their Owls, and it seemed to be going to their heads. The Ministry had offered her many positions too of course, as the brains of the Golden Trio, but Hermione had already decided she would go through with her exams.

 Rubbing her tired eyes, she pushed open the door leading into the prefect's bathroom, she looked around and realized it was blessedly empty. At least one thing has gone right this week she thought, walking towards the bath she carefully selected the lavender scented bubbles and watched as the bath filled with steaming lavender colored water. 

Grabbing a towel, Hermione slipped off her shoes and clothes, wrapping herself in a fluffy robe instead. After neatly folding her clothes and tucking them away, she walked over to the area where a large selection of bath bombs was displayed on a table, breathing in the light floral scents drifting from the pink, rose shaped bath bomb she picked it up, bringing it to her nose, once again breathing in the lovely scent.

 Noticing the bath was now filled she walked over to the side, placing the bath bomb down and slipping into the bath. It was delightfully warm, reminding her of the way the firewhiskey that Ron had snuck in from Hogsmede had made her feel. Closing her eyes and allowing the stress from the week to seep from her body, she slowly began to relax.

 The delightful smells of lavender, rose, and a slight scent of Pine surrounded her.

 Suddenly opening her eyes as her brain registered the last scent, Hermione noticed she was no longer alone. 

A lean, muscular shadow was standing beside the entrance. Eyes widening as she let out a squeal of surprise Hermione reached for her wand only to realize it was by her clothes across the room. Looking back she saw a flash of blonde, a blonde that she quickly realized belonged to none other than Draco Malfoy, the worst possible person to be in this position with, other than maybe Crabbe or Goyle.

 He began walking towards the bath as her mind flashed with the worst possible ways for this to play out. 

"Some one's here!" she screamed. The figure froze and she peaked a look at him, his expression almost comical with his eyes wide open, still as a statue. 

"Granger?" he whispered, quickly slapping his hand over his eyes. 

It was so unlike him she couldn't help to let out a small giggle at how different his demeanor was from the usual taunting smirk and cruel remarks.

 "Bloody hell woman, why didn't you say anything before?" As she looked at him she realized he had changed out of his clothes at some point, with a mere towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Oh." she whispered, averting her eyes back to the lavender colored bubbles in the bath, the only thing between her body and his hauntingly grey eyes. 

Apparently deciding he was done being a decent person, he uncovered his eyes, walking closer. Hermione quickly began to gather bubbles to cover herself, "don't come any closer!" she yelped.

 "Relax Granger, I'm merely here for a bath". 

Realizing he intended to slide into the tub across from her, she swiftly covered her eyes with her palms. Hearing the splash of the water she uncovered her eyes to find him inspecting the rose scented bath bomb she had laid out on the side of the bath.

 "What the hell is this?" he said. Momentarily stunned he hadn't taken the opportunity to toy with her, she didn't respond. 

"Did you hear me Granger, I asked you a question" he snarled. 

"It's a bath bomb you twat" she snapped back. 

"A bath bomb? It smells like my mother" grumbled Draco. 

"I don't care, what are you even doing here Malfoy? You're not a prefect" she said, mildly amused by how focused he seemed to be on the bath bomb now in his hand. 

"Theo gave me the password and I wanted a bath after quidditch practice, is that illegal Granger?" Draco drawled as he leaned back against the stonewall of the bath.

"Yes. Yes it is, get out!" she shrieked. Apparently not caring, Draco inspected the bath bomb and then plopped it into the water, watching as it fizzed and turned the water around him pink.

 Hermione watched in frustration as his eyes widened and he turned around to grab another bath bomb, this time a rich orange color that smelled of pumpkin. Seemingly infatuated by the fizzing balls, Draco kept dropping them into the water until it had turned an ugly brown from the mixing of all the colors and smelt so strongly Hermione's eyes had started to water. 

"God, stop it Malfoy, it smells like a potion gone wrong in here" she grumbled, no longer relaxed.

 Suddenly realizing what he was doing, Draco stood up as Hermione clasped her hands over her eyes again, stepping out of the bath he grabbed his clothes and changed briskly. 

"Well Granger, I've graced you with my presence for long enough. I assume you'll keep this to yourself?" Pushing open the bathroom door and stepping out before she could answer. 

Once he was gone Hermione let out a groan, her evening had been disturbed by Draco Malfoy, it was almost fitting. Climbing out of the bath and shrugging on her Pajamas she thought back on the interaction, now that she wasn't terrified he was going to humiliate her, the whole thing seemed quite hilarious. She had just spent her Friday evening watching the pureblood prince become completely entranced with muggle bath bombs. 

 A/N: This is a Dramione one-shot and also my first story I've written, so please feel free to leave constructional criticism as long as it's to help and not be rude. :) I also apologize for any typos/ punctuation errors. ~

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