6. Hello Principal's Office... Again

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    Mom dropped me off at school around 7, she left in a hurry to meet her friends at Starbucks. I hate mondays, we have long- ass devotions on mondays and the vice-principal isn't that good looking. To have to stare at her wrinkly, old face was enough to give young children nightmares.

    I walked into my class and sat next to Toni

"Hey Toni, Where's Shenequea?" i asked.

"Hey, you know damn well that she comes to school late every morning." she replied.

-the bell rang-

       I nodded. Our shopping spree on Saturday had obviously paid off. Everyone stared at us as Toni and I strutted our stuff through the school halls. I was wearing a long sleeved white top with grey stripes and a short baby blue pleated skirt accompanied with a pair of baby blue, laced converse heels. My honey brown hair flowed from my shoulders with a goddess headband securing it in place.

       Toni was wearing a short, floral dress with pink wedges and she had dyed her hair a faint pink. We both rocked dark, glossy shades of the new Revlon collection lipstick. Unfortunately our little fashion show was ruined as Bloody Mary stepped in front of us. She looked at me with a grin and said "Thankyou for helping me the other day."

Toni gave her that 'back-the-fuck-up-bitch-look', but I smiled and said "Your welcome."

   I felt relieved that I had helped her, I owed it to her. The last time she had a bloody accident, I was the one who threw tampons at her and called her 'Bloody Mary' and everyone started doing the same. poor girl

      Mrs. Odell, the gargoyle-faced, vice-principal started devotion singing a hymn. Her raspy voice rang throughout the auditorium. I blew the gum in my mouth, it let out a loud "Pop!" and the old crone stopped singing. She shot me a glare..
I will definitely have trouble sleeping tonight
    Lucky for me, she went ahead and when devotion was finished, Shenequea came busting through the walls with 'Anaconda' blasting through her speaker. We went to class and took our seats.

       Miss Peters , the literature teacher, grined as she entered with a stack of paper in her hand. "Pop Quiz!" she rejoiced.
I swear teachers are spawns of Satan

"Miss, I have to go to the bathroom." I stated.

"You're not going anywhere!" she shouted. Rage boiled  in my temples. Sweetly I said "But Miss, I'm terribly ill"

-fake cough-
  " Oh shut up you spoiled brat!" she bellowed. Toni held my hand and said "Please, don't" but I had enough.

  " How about you shut up..." I said under my breath. The students near me started to giggle. "What's so funny?" Ms.Peters asked.

"Your wrinkly, old face, saggy- boobed bitch." I said. The words came out of my mouth a little louder than I had thought. Her face swelled with anger. "Get out now, straight to principal Moore!" she shouted. I got up, took a bow and sighed "Usual monday morning routine."

  I walked out the hall and into the waiting area. Alejandro came out of nowhere and winked at me. He beckoned for me to follow him and like a naive mouse to cheese. I stepped right into his trap of seduction.......

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