truth or dare

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It  was eight years past  when elina husband died who was killed by some men so elina called a spirit to  have revenge the spirit gave her a pot that any one that broke the pot will ask any one truth or dare and if they refused to play they will die and if they refused to do the dare  they will die or did not say the the truth they will  also die elina was happy
A day came that a lady and a boy went to visit her she told them that she has called a spirit to take revenge she showed them the pot and a soon she turn her back she fell down the lady rushed to her and when she went back to tell the boy that  elina was dead she noticed his eyes was red and the pot was broken she was about to run when she was asked by the boy truth or dare, she quickly answered truth then the boy asked is it true you killed john because he insulted you in the party she quickly answered yes i did and the boy eyes turn white again the boy asked the lady whose name was favour what happend favour told him that he is the question asker and the assistance to the spirit people he was shocked and remember he  broke the pot and something entered him they both went
back to college the boy kept asking,   a day game a lady asked kelly truth or dare kelly answered dare the lady dared  him to show is dick to the people kelly went to the stage and said this lady dare me to show you guys my dick the lady was confused then her eyes have turn white again when kelly was about to open is nikka people started talking your dick is small ur dick is small come down he was sad and when the was n coming  down he fell from the top of the stage down and died people ran from left to right and right to left feeling confused what  have happend
   Favour and six of her friends went out for camp when there they stared playing a game and then favour asked truth or dare all of them was laughing but favour eyes was red so one of them answered truth and she said no so the friends told her to choose dare she quickly said dare and favour sad i dare you to cut out sandra hand sandra quickly took cutlass and gave it to joy to cut her hand out joy said no that she can not when favour eyes turn white back she was asking them what was going on, they told her and she was sad when joy was about to go out a knife from no where entered her eye and she fell and died an hour later the assistance to the spirit said the remaining five her to try to shoot a gun in their head, favour tried first the gun did not shoot, sandra follows and did not shoot, john followed and did not shoot, merit followed  and did not shoot and when jeffery tried the gun shoot and he died a day after john asked merit truth or dare and merit said dare john dared her to jump from the top of the house roof down to the floor she climb,  sandra and favour brought out bed and when she jump down they quickly put the bed  on top of the car and she jump down and fell on top of the bed in the car they  sandra asked merit truth or dare merit said dare sandra dare her to cut john legs sandra was crying when she was giving a axe by john to do it sandra did it john cried and cried sandra ran alway the next day the assistance to the spirit appeared and he stared asking them question and he asked john to cut his tongue favour told john to do it, that is the only way to kill the assistance spirit when he was about to do it the assistance was running to him when merit used a wood to hit the assistance he stood up and removed merit eyes and went to john he shooked him with knife and also cut his owned neck they both of they fell and died sandra then asked favour truth or dare and the assistance spirit stood up and told her to choose dare she was afraid sandra told her her to her to just choose dare she did and the assistance spirit dared her to shoot sandra and fell back
  Sandra told favour to not but favour did because she was not in her right senses,sandra asked favour truth or dare and sandra said truth and then favour asked her which way can they stop the game and favour said they is no way again because the assistance spirit is dead so sandra took her phone and and said  in life for people to see and watch she said this game truth and dare is real it has kill four of my friends and other people this game if you refused to play you die if you did not do the dare you die if you did not say truth you die, am sorry to ask truth or dare answer if you refused you die i and one of my friend that is alive this game have no ending is the spirit was called by elina whose husband was killed for nothing this game is everlasting no pleading is a most to do or say what you where asked to do

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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