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aether - croptoptraveller
kaeya - coolman
diluc - diluc.
albedo - albaedo
jean - jeans
lisa - lisa💜
noelle - localmaid
amber - bunnygirl
paimon - uselessguide
barbara - healeridol
venti - drunkbard
klee - sparkysparkyboomboom
razor - wolfboy
diona - catbartender
fischl - prinzessinderverurteilung
mona - stargirl
sucrose - potionsmaster
xingqiu - bookass
chongyun - exorcistass
xiangling - chefass
zhong li - brokeass
childe - fatuiass
xiao - almondtofuass
bei dou - pirateass
ning guang - richass
qi qi - zombieass

coolman created "knight night"
coolman added diluc., jeans, bunnygirl, lisa💜, localmaid and albaedo

coolman: yo
localmaid: hi
diluc.: why
coolman: i'm bored
bunnygirl: you can help jean
jeans: yes help would be greatly appreciated
coolman: u know what nvm
albaedo: u want more work?
coolman: no
coolman: anyways
lisa💜: i'm not a knight why am i here
diluc.: what she said

coolman changed the group chat name to "knight night & acquaintances"

coolman: happy?
bunnygirl: wait wheres aether
coolman: oops

coolman added croptoptraveller

croptoptraveller: hi
lisa💜: hello cutie
croptoptraveller: :)
coolman: am i forgetting anyone else
croptoptraveller: paimon
albaedo: who tf is paimon
diluc.: do we really want to add her
bunnygirl: do it! knights don't exclude anyone
coolman: fine

coolman added uselessguide

uselessguide: why is my name like that
croptoptraveller: suck it emergency food
uselessguide: paimon is neither useless nor food
coolman: i absolutely
coolman: wholeheartedly
coolman: definitely
coolman: disagree with that
uselessguide: fk u
diluc.: agree to disagree...
uselessguide: thank you
diluc.: ...with your statement, paimon
uselessguide: fk u

uselessguide is offline

croptoptraveller: hahaha
coolman: hahaha
croptoptraveller: we shld do that more often irl


croptoptraveller created "mondstadians"
croptoptraveller added coolman, bunnygirl, jeans, localmaid, healingidol, diluc., albaedo, lisa💜, drunkbard, sparkysparkyboomboom, wolfboy, catbartender, prinzessinderverurteilung, stargirl and potionsmaster

coolman: @croptoptraveller ur learning
croptoptraveller: i am
diluc.: tf not another one
jeans: i'm dying
albaedo: ik :)
healingidol: sis pls be honest
jeans: i'm dying
jeans: under a pile of work
healingidol: oh
drunkbard: lmao who tf is @prinzessinderverurteilung
prinzessinderverurteilung: I am not did impress by thy actions
croptoptraveller: she speaks even weirder than you do @drunkbard
drunkbard: your speech must be subdued

drunkbard is typing...

drunkbard: fk u
localmaid: yall insane
catbartender: we know
coolman: we know
croptoptraveller: we know
drunkbard: we know
bunnygirl: we know
stargirl✨: why add me
croptoptraveller: find more meteorites for me peasant
stargirl✨: no ❤️

croptoptraveller banned stargirl
potionsmaster is offline

wolfboy: ksirjrrs
coolman: lmao wut
wolfboy: wowifueushdhduehdh
croptoptraveller: razor r u ok
wolfboy: skejdhfueisis
lisa💜: use the text to speech dear
wolfboy: oioioioioop
drunkbard: is he drunk
drunkbard: speaking of drunk @diluc. i'm coming over l8er give me dandy wine ya
diluc.: no
drunkbard: i'll sing
diluc.: no
drunkbard: i'll pay
diluc.: you'll never do that
drunkbard: fair enough
jeans: wait @croptoptraveller your sis has a phone right
croptoptraveller: lmao i didnt even think to add her

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