Tf im so dumb

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As you slowly walk away from the coffee shop you and leorio run into a girl. "IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY." the girl says. You stand there with coffee spread out all over your shirt.  "Its okay." You say "Well how about I walk you home." Leorio says to the girl because he is such a perv. "B-b-but we just met like thirty seconds ago." "Consider this payback." Leorio says dragging the poor girl away as he winks at you. You roll your eyes. You head for the car just wanting to go home but then you realize leorio has the keys. "SHIT SHIT SHIT" "calms down im right here" Leorio says feeling  down. "She drop you?" "Yes." You guys get into the car and head home when you stop at a red light leorio says. "Y/n have you ever thought about getting married." You pause for a second. "Yea I have why ." "No reason." You finnaly arive home and all you want to do is cuddle with kurapika after a long day. "KURAPIKA SWEEEEEETYYYY IM HOMEE." You practically scream. kurapika walks in from the backyard and gestures you to go back there with him. You see Gon, Killua, and leorio with silver platters. "What are you guys doing here?" You say. "Its a surprise Y/n." Gon says with pride.  "Just sit down baka." Killua tells you. You chuckle a bit and sit down across from kurapika. "What is this for?" "You will see." The three boys  bring plates full of food for you and kurapika. "Here y/n its chicken alfredo." Gon says. "That is not what I ordered for us two." Kurapika says "To bad its all we know how to make." "Its fine I love chicken alfredo." You and kurapika chat over dinner when he gestures you to go to the trampoline. 

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