Code blue

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"ugh. we have school tomorrow." i moan. we'd finished our pancakes and we're watching reruns of How i met your mother.

" don't even mention it." he said whilst turning to face me with a pout on his face

"i guess that means that i have to go back home. " i said with a frown. i really was dissapointed to leave. its not as if i can just see him at school because, you know, i cant.

"at least let me drive you home. " he insists.

'okay, i'll just get my stuff from your room."

5 minutes later i come downstairs completely confused.

"hey jared ? how come there are only two bedrooms here ? i mean if your brother and both of your parents live her."

"uh, actually my parents bought this house for my brother and i, just to get us out of the house. they wanted to buy an apartment in the city and well, thats pretty far away, so they just pay the bills for this house whilst we live here. anyway, are you ready to go ?"


once we get in the car i inhale the familiar minty smell. i start to wonder what it is when jared says

"if your wondering what the smell is its me, I'm chewing gum."

'woah! mind reader much !" and we both start cracking up.

"okay Jared, thats enough fooling around. i have a serious question for you. what did you think of Mockingjay Part 1?"

"i thought it was amazing but they really shouldve included the scene with Katniss and Gale in the tree with the berries."

"oh my god yesss! okay um what about divergent ?"

"they made it seem like too much of a love story." he answers.

"i completely agree."

" okay missy, its your turn. what did you think of the Maze Runner ?"

"it was pretty good but they completely ruined the scene when the Grievers come inside the walls. " i tell him. "hey , what bands do you like?"

"okay, don't judge me and don't call me a girl but I'm completely obsessed with 5sos"

"oh my god. no frickin way ! i love them so much." i tell him just as we pull up outside my house. "when will i see you again ?" i ask him.

'sooner than you think. " is all he says before he speeds of down the the road.

as i walk into my spotless house ( thanks to Sonya) i hear music thumping form the speakers in our living room. Maya must have been doing her 'Jazzercise' again.



i go to the kitchen, grabbing a kiddy juice box before heading up to my grunge af room.thats right. i said grunge. my bedroom walls are painted a real dark navy colour and my bed and bookshelves are both black with my bedspread being a stormy print. i had poster all of the walls from everything from fandom to 5sos and all the way to funny viners including Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas. god i loved my room. i had just redone it all about a month ago. and if you think my room is grunge you should see my wardrobe. it was full of ripped, black skinny jeans, band tees and cozy flannels.

as soon as i get up to my room i reach for my phone in my bag that i took to jareds and i immediately start to ring colorado. she picks up within 2 rings.

"hey eve, whats happening?' she says, using my lame nickname.

"code blue. "

"oh shit." is all she says.

Code blue means that you've caught the feels. hard.

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