Chapter 2

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When we arrived at the Weasley house or "the Burrow" as they called it I was amazed at the amount of magic that was in it; dishes were washing themselves, knitting was being done all by itself, there was a clock and there was a hand for each of the family members showing where they were. Then I was bombarded with hugs from Harry and Fred and Gorge came to say hi.

'Steph!' Harry exclaimed, we shared a hug and I dragged Ron into it.

'Guys, come meet my Mum.' I said and I introduced them. 'Mum these are my friends: Harry and Ron. Guys this is my Mum.'

'Nice to meet you Mrs Partridge.' Harry shook her hand.

'Great to meet you properly Mrs Partridge.' Ron smiled.

'It's wonderful to finally meet you two, Stephanie has told me so much about you.' Mum replied. Then Mum sat at the table and talked with Mrs Weasley while the boys showed me the rest of the house, it is huge! It has six floors! Ron reckons it not much, but I think it awesome.

While we were there I met Ron's younger sister Ginny, the youngest in the family and the only girl (other than Mrs Weasley). She seems nice, but she has a pretty big crush on Harry from what I've heard.

Soon we went to Diagon Alley by floo powder, Ron went first followed by Fred, then Gorge, then Harry went, but instead of saying Diagon Alley he said it too fast as said: 'Diagonelly.' Before we could do anything the green flames engulfed him and he disappeared. I went next despite Mums worrying about whether or not I end up in the right place, I assured her that I'd be alright then I took a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace.

'Diagon Alley.' I said clearly the next thing I knew I was rolling out of the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron. I stood up and brushed the soot of my clothes, Fred was laughing at me from a chair near one of the otherwise empty tables. 'Yeah, yeah very funny.' I rolled my eyes in good humour. Then I jumped back as my Mum rolled out of the fireplace, coughing and spluttering as I helped her up off the floor. 'Are you alright?'

'I'm fine sweetie, but I have to say that was the weirdest thing I have ever done.' She replied smiling. I laughed and shook my head.

'Trust me, the weirdness has only just begun.' When the rest of the group arrived we walked out into the crowded street and I watched Mums face as she looked around in awe.

We decided to go to Flourish and Blotts first and on the way there I spotted Harry, Hermione and Hagrid walking towards us.

'Hermione!' I called then Ron and I ran over to them.

'Steph!' Hermione hugged me tightly.

'Are you alright Harry?' Ron asked, Harry nodded. 'We hoped that you hadn't gone to far.' Then we all walked into the shop and I stared at the huge line up to the front counter, wondering what could possibly cause all this attention in a bookstore. I mean don't get me wrong I love reading, but you don't normally find bookstores so crowded like this!

'What's going on?' I asked confused.

'The author Gilderoy Lockheart is hear to sign copies of his new autobiography Magical Me.' Hermione replied excited.

'Right, anyway you've got to meet my Mum.' I said and I brought her over. 'Mum, this is my other friend, Hermione.'

'Great to meet you Hermione.' Mum smiled.

'It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Partridge too Mrs Partridge.' Mione greeted. Then I looked around for Harry and Ron, I saw Harry was now standing at the front of the store with the guy I assumed was Gilderoy Lockheart who was posing while their picture was being taken. I could see Harry was uncomfortable and as I looked up I saw Malfoy watching jealously from the balcony. When Harry and Ron came back to stand with me Malfoy rushed to the stairs and glared at us.

'I'll bet you loved that, didn't you Potter?' Malfoy spat his name out as if it was vile. 'The famous Harry Potter can't even go to a bookstore without getting on the front page.'

'Watch it Malfoy.' I said stepping in front of Harry. 'Remember I still owe you for that flying practice from last year.' Draco growled and was about to pull his wand out from his pocket when a sliver snake with jewels green eyes came down on his shoulder.

'Now Draco play nicely.' Draco moved aside to reveal a man with long platinum blonde hair which was almost the same as Draco's. Then he turned and looked at Harry. 'Lucius Malfoy, Mr Potter.' He introduced himself and as they shook hands he pulled Harry forward and used what I now knew to be his walking stick to pull his hair aside and reveal his scar. 'Forgive me, your scar is legendary as of course is the wizard who gave it to you.' Harry glared at him and moved his head.

'Voldemort killed my parents; he was nothing more than a murderer.'

'You must be very brave to mention his name, or very foolish.'

'Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.' Hermione replied, then the older Malfoy turned his attention to her.

'You must be Miss Granger.' He glanced at Draco who nodded. 'Draco's told me all about you.'

'Well I should hope so, after all she is the brightest witch of her age.' I cut in. Draco stared at me shocked that I would speak back to his Father, but Lucius ignored me and looked to where Hermione's parents were.

'And your parents, muggles aren't they?' He asked. Hermione nodded.

'That's right, Mr Malfoy.' I replied. 'And great people they are too.'

'You of course must be Miss Partridge.'

'That is correct Mr Malfoy and I'm assuming Draco told you all about me and my dislike for stuck up people who think they're better than everyone else.' I said quirking and eye brow.

'Indeed.' Then he turned to look at Ron. 'Now let's see red hair, vacant expression, tatty second-hand book.' He said taking a book out of Ginny's cauldron. 'You must be the Weasleys.' Then Mr Weasley came forward and put his hands on Ginny's shoulders.

'Children, it's stuffy in here let's go outside.' He suggested.

'Well, well, well. Weasley Senior.'


'Busy time at the Ministry, Author, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime. Though by the state of this, I'd say not.' He said and he put the book back in Ginny's cauldron. 'What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?'

'We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.' Mr Weasley replied.

'Clearly. Associating with muggles and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work.' Then he and Draco left.

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