Chapter Four

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October 31st, 1984

Nick was already up and eating breakfast when George awoke

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Nick was already up and eating breakfast when George awoke. She was halfway through her cereal when she heard his footsteps in the hall. She looked up when she heard them stop, almost choking on her food when she saw him in the doorway.

"What are you wearing?" Nick spluttered through her cereal.

"It's my halloween costume!" George said innocently, sounding very proud of himself, "The guys said everyone dresses up."

"You look like a disease."

"What?" George's shoulders drooped, "No! I'm the green ghost from Ghostbusters. You know, the slimer."

"You're wearing a bedsheet with green paint on." Nick said flatly.

"Yeah," George pouted, "Cause I'm the ghost. And they're the ghostbusters."

Nick spooned more cereal into her mouth

"You'd better not have stained your only bedsheet," she said whilst chewing.

George sighed and looked at his feet. Nick sighed too, smiling sadly at his downcast expression.

"But you have done a good job of it," she said. George's head darted up. He grinned at her.

"Come on," she said, leaving her empty bowl by the sink, "Let's go. Get your green ghost butt in the car."

George beamed and ran to the door, eager to get to school and see his friends' costumes.

"And you'd better not stain my seats!" Nick called after him but he hadn't heard. She was going to be scrubbing green paint off her car seats that evening...


George jumped out the car as soon as Nick pulled up. He was excited to see his friends' costumes. He'd just missed out on halloween last year, he couldn't wait to see everyone in their costumes. Halloween had always been his favourite holiday. He just couldn't see why people stopped dressing up. He'd dress up everyday if he could!

"Bye Nick!" He called back over his shoulder as he raced to the bike rack, where they'd arranged to meet the day before. Nick had probably shouted bye back but he hadn't heard her in his haste to meet his friends.

The others were already there when he arrived, and were already arguing.

"Woah, woah, woah," Mike was saying, holding out a hand to stop Lucas from walking away, "Why are you Venkman?"

"Because I'm Venkman," Lucas answered, uninterested.

"No," Mike interjected forcefully, "I'm Venkman."

"Hey George," Will said, ignoring Mike and Lucas' argument.

"Hey," he said. Dustin waved and George waved back, "What's going on?" George asked, Dustin shrugged.

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