23 Soulmate AUs

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AU: Injuries your soulmate gets also appear on your skin

You had never had any major injuries from your soulmate. That was until the first year of high school. Your fingers broke constantly. What the hell what your soulmate doing. Were they okay? Then you saw him during the sports festival, and your arms broke.

So, you tried to find him. When you did, you showed him your scars and he apologized, a lot.

AU: the first words your soulmate says are on your skin

Since you were young, you'd been made fun of for having "shut the fuck up, dumbass" in large, bold print on your arm. So, you had disliked your soulmate before you even met him. Come on "shut the fuck up, dumbass" was one of the worst things to say to your soulmate. Part of you was hoping you would never meet him. Then, it happened. You had enough of Bakugou bullying Deku and confronted him.

You were speaking in paragraphs and he made eye contact with you, said "shut the fuck up, dumbass," and showed you his calf. There were printed everything you had just said. Suddenly, you felt worse for him than for yourself.

AU: You hate anyone your soulmate hates

You had always disliked the hero Endeavor. You had no idea why, he was a pro hero. If anything, you should like him. Then it hit you, your soulmate. You had heard of people like the League of Villains and Hero Killer Stain who disliked heroes. Immediately, you were terrified that someone like them was your soulmate. During the sports festival, you overheard a conversation. It was between Todoroki and Deku, about Endeavor. Everything made sense now. You decided to go up to him.

"I think you're my soulmate."
"I overheard a conversation before the sports festival."
"I've always hated Endeavor for no reason, so..."

AU: you have a stripe of your soulmate's hair color on your wrist (it changes if they dye their hair)

Your wrist has always been a bit weird. There was a black streak in the shape of a lightning bolt in it. And it had always been there. That was kind of weird. Maybe it had to do with his quirk? You'd thought about it a lot. At least you'd recognize your soulmate easily with that kind of hair. And that was what happened. You saw him on your first day at UA, and went up to him.

You showed him your wrist. "You're my soulmate."
"Hell yes! I got a hot one!"
"Uhh thanks."

AU: Your quirk disappears when you're with your soulmate

You had always disliked this side effect of knowing your soulmate. It made you weaker. This was bad for two reasons. One, quirkless people could never know their soulmate. And two, it could mess up your hero career. The worst part, it all happened on your first day at UA. The quirk test and you didn't have your quirk.

Then, you actually talked to him. And he turned out to be nice. He apologized for the embarrassment you had to endure.

AU: The number of minutes you've spent with your soulmate is on your wrist

You knew your soulmate was in class 1A, but you didn't know who. You had spent about the same amount of time with all of them. When you had lunch with the Dekusquad, it kept going up, so that narrowed it down to one of them. You mentioned this to them and Uraraka blushed.

"Mine's going up too..."
"Does that mean we're...?"
"It has the same number so I guess we are."

AU: You have the same handwriting as your soulmate

You had always wanted to learn guitar. So, you decided to ask Jirou about it, since she was good at music. Now, it has been 15 minutes and she was still talking about all the things you need and where to find them. "If you need sheet music, there are some websites I use. Or you could just buy some. You know how to read sheet music, right? You could probably learn it if you take lessons."
"Uhm, Jirou...?"
"I don't think I'll be able to remember all this. Could you write it down?"
"Of course!"

When she started writing, you saw that her handwriting was identical to yours. "We have the same handwriting."
"Are you sure?"
"Here I'll write something to prove it."
You took a pen and wrote your phone number.
"We...really are soulmates."

AU: Your soulmate's initials are on your wrist

You were dragged to another rich people™️ party. This time, you noticed a girl around your age there. You had nothing better to do, so you went up and intro used yourself.

"Hello, my name is y/n l/n."
You saw her immediately look down at her wrist.
"Sorry for being so rude, it's nice to meet you. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu."
Then you look at your wrist.
"I seem to have your initials on my wrist..."
"So do I," she responds.
"Does that mean we're soulmates?"
"I suppose it does."

AU: The world is black and white until you meet your soulmate, goes back to being black and white when they die

It was your first day at UA and you were excited to meet your class. When you walked in and said some brief hellos, the world filled with color. That meant your soulmate was one of your classmates. But who? They could really be anyone and you had no way of knowing who until they died. Unless you asked people...but that would be embarrassing. Maybe someone would come up to you and mention it? Your quirk might as well have been shsl luck because someone did. You recognized her as Tsuyu Asui.

"This might sound weird, but I think we're soulmates," she said.
"So your world became colorful too?"

AU: You can taste whatever your soulmate is consuming

You often tasted blood. That was extremely concerning. Your soulmate might be a cannibal. Or maybe she has a blood fetish or something? Hopefully she just bit her tongue often. Although you doubted that, you didn't know what else to hope for. Maybe you two would never meet. That would be the best outcome. For you at least. Then you were kidnapped by a girl from the League of Villains. She talked about her quirk and once, when she was on a mission, you tasted blood.

"Wait- you're my soulmate?"
"Of course! Who else would it be?!"

AU: Your soulmate's birthday is on your wrist

You were in the Bakusquad. You had been for a few weeks now. You hadn't noticed Mina's wrist before, but one day when you were helping her study, you saw it. The numbers on her wrist were your birthday.

"Hey, Mina?"
"What is it? Please tell me it isn't about math..."
"It's not. This might sound weird though."
"Now I'm more interested! What is it?"
You glanced down at your wrist, "your birthday isn't July 30th is it?"
"It is, why?" She saw you looking at your wrist, "wait! When's your birthday?"
"It's *insert birthday*"
Mina gasps, "oh my god, y/n!" We're soulmates!"

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