Chapter 25 - Just have fun

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"Alexis you're up next. Are you ready?" Jade asked as she approached Alexis.

"N-no," she replied nervously.

"Hey you're going to do great. Just have fun."

"Thank you and I shall."

"Okay that's good because you're on. Good luck." Jade said as she hugged her.

Nodding, Alexis walked towards the red curtains which were hung to block the audience from backstage.

Taking a deep breath she walked confidently to her position on stage.

As she sat waiting for her cue to start, she looked at the very crowded auditorium.

She was able to make out her parents who were sitting in the third row to the right and beside them two adorable little girls accompanied by whom she assumed to be their parents.

She hadn't realized she was staring until both her mom and the little girls waved at her to which she smiled with a bright red face.

Quickly averting her eyes from them she looked in the direction of her friends only to turn a brighter shade of red as Liam winked at her before motioning for her to breathe.

Nodding she followed him, sending a quick smile at him as she heard her cue.

As she danced, a ghost of silence fell upon the audience as their eyes followed her steps closely.

Step after step she lost herself to the dance and music she had spent weeks learning, perfecting it.

As she took the last step and the music faded the crowd went into an uproar. Deafening screams, whistles, claps and more swirled around her causing the stage to vibrate. With a quick bow she smiled and waved as she made her way backstage.

"That was amazing!" Jade exclaimed as she jumped on Alexis.

"Thank you, it felt amazing." She said a bit out of breath.

"Oh right, you must be parched. Here." Jade said giving her a bottle of water.

"Thank you," she said with a quick nod.

"I got to run, make sure everyone else is ready. See you after the show?" Jade asked as she looked a bit nervous for the response.

"Yes of course. I'll see you then." She said with a smile.

"Great!" Jade yelled as she jumped in excitement.

Laughing Alexis said, "You should get to work."

"Yeah I should huh? Okay see you soon." Jade said before disappearing.

Smiling Alexis made her way to the changing rooms to freshen up a bit. After doing so she dons a cute short thin strap dress with the top part being white and the bottom a floral pattern which was accompanied by a brown belt and her matching brown flats.

Grabbing her belongings she stuffed them into Daniel's bag which she took before swiftly making her way out front.

As she spotted Liam she couldn't help but blush for he was staring at her as if she's the only one there.

Walking towards them she noticed him quickly joining his seat with Daniel's, placing her in the middle upon her arrival before whispering, "You did great and you look gorgeous."

"Thanks," she mumbled as she blushed.

Hugging her Daniel said, "You were amazing as always Lex."

"Thanks Dani."

Giving her one last squeeze Daniel moved his arms and continued looking at the other performers.

Then she too looked on, smiling when she felt Liam take her hand in his.


Hope y'all enjoyed!

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