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A/N - I'm really wanting to take your requests so I have added Tory, Sam and Moon since someone requested 😊 please comment any more requests you want to see x

- Watching him train at Cobra Kai
- Having home cooked meals at his house
- His mum and grandma loving you
- Hugs 24/7
- Binge watching movies
- Dates at golf and stuff

- Skateboarding together
- Training with him and Sam at Miyagi Do
- Trying to convince him to talk to his Dad
- Staying up late talking about the future
- Comforting him about his Mum and Dad
- Stealing his clothes

- Sparring together
- Helping him with his homework
- Skipping School together
- Being a member of Cobra Kai
- Being best friends with Tory
- Lowkey trying to mend his friendship with Demetri

- Him helping you with your homework
- Him being jealous of your guy friends
- Stealing his T-shirt's
- Hating Hawk for what he did
- Joining Miyagi Do with him
- Teasing him

- Joining Cobra Kai
- Mutual hate for Sam
- Being the most badass couple in Cobra Kai
- Being Kreese's favourites
- Late night drives with the music blaring
- Helping her with her mum and being her rock

- Going to the Country Club with her family
- Being best friends with Aisha
- Training with Daniel, Sam and Robby
- Getting jealous of Sam's friendship with Robby and Miguel
- Doing each other's Makeup
- Stealing each other's clothes

- Going to protests together
- Being friends with Yasmin
- Being jealous of Hawk and Moon's relationship
- Going to party's together and dancing
- Cute Pinterest worthy dates
- Both hating karate

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