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The One Where Bruce Makes a Discovery.

CHAPTER TWO,The One Where Bruce Makes a Discovery

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Present time.

"TONY!" Bruce Banner yelled as he ran into the lab with his tablet in hand. "Tony you've got to see this."

"Damn it Banner." Tony whined as he laid down one of his new gadgets. "I'm busy here."

"Trust me. You're going to want to see this." Bruce said seriously before turning around to leave the room, leaving Tony behind to roll his eyes and follow after him.

"This better be good. I've got three thousand other things to do, one of them being your mother."

"What?" Bruce asked, glancing over his shoulder to give Tony a disgusted look only to receive a innocent smile and wave in return.

"Nothing." Tony smiled before throwing himself down onto the couch. "So. Get to it Brucey."

"Yea don't call me that." Bruce sighed before tapping away at his tablet, seconds later his tablet screen was displayed on the big screen and he got to taking. "So. I think I found a new superhero-"

"Cool." Tony clapped as he stood up. "I thought this was something serious. I guess not. So with that said-" he turned on his heal and started to walk back in the direction of his lab.

"Tony-" Bruce started only to get interrupted by a new voice.

"Sit down Stark."

Tony sighed and looked down, stopping in his tracks he rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration before slowly turning around and giving a sarcastic smile. "Nick Fury. What do I owe the pleasure."

"Tony." Fury nodded in greeting before motioning to the couch. "Have a seat."

"Is this about the supposed new superhero?" Tony scoffed as he threw himself back on the cold leather sofa. "Listen, no offense to either of you but do you know how many people try and play superhero to get my attention? A lot. And I mean a lot. What makes this one so-"

Fury cut him off with a raised eyebrow. "Different?" Slowly, he walked around the couch to stand next to Bruce. "Since you insist on being so impatient I'll just get straight to the point. I've been keeping an eye on this kid for six months now-"

Tony was the one to cut him off this time, his eyes wide and mouth open. "Kid? Another kid? Fury, the spider boy is enough for me to handle at the moment I can't-"

"This particular kid." Fury went on, ignoring Tony all together. "Has really got me intrigued. You see, this kid isn't working alone."

"You mean they have a partner?" Tony asked with furrowed eyebrows.

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