*1* (Edited first time)

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"So...spider-kid, having fun?" Said Mr. Rogers

"Yeah its fine" Peter looked like he was about to die out of boredom

"You bored?"

"A little, Nat there gave me the talk about how I can't drink and Thor just laughed at my face so..."

"Come one let's go play truth or dare. Oh and while you are at it grab yourself a juice pop" Steve joked, wow Rogers good joke

"Wow thanks" Peter said sarcasticly

"Okay Peter truth or dare?" Thor says poring a Asgard shot into a little cup

"Dare i guess" Peter looks worriedly

"I dare you to take a shot"

"No hell nah im not allowing that!" Dad mode on

"Oh come on, one shot can't kill him!" Thor argued

"Fine but ONE!" tony agreed

Thor puted a cup in front of Peter and he froze

"Come on Peter" Teased Steve

"Fine fine" Said Peter while he took a shot

"Omg thats disgusting!" Peter threw up into the toilet earning a laugh from everybody

"Okay Wanda truth or dare?"

"Dare" damn was she in deep shit

"I dare you to turn Peter on" said Thor while the others laughed

"Done" she said almost like it was nothing

Wanda got up and sat on Peters lap.
All Peter was focused on was Bucky and his glare at the two

"I- can you get off of me?" Peter stated

Wanda the only one knowing Peters secret crush got off of him

"Okay...let's play...SPIN THE BOTTLE" Thor was heavily drunk my then as most of fhe people in the room so they all agreed

"Tony, you spin first" Loki put on his quirky smile

Tony spins and it lends on Thor

"Hell nah, im not kissing the dude who is obsessed with a HAMMER"

They all laughed

After good long while of convinceing Tony gave up.

He walked up to Thor and kissed him fastly and then walked back where he was sitting

"Peter you're up" Natasha chuckled

"Uh okay..." he said

*peter spins and it lands on Bucky*

"Nice" Bucky said

"What?" Steve asked

"Nothing..." Bucky answered

Bucky got up and walked to Peter.
He kissed him intensely and wouldn't stop

"Okay..." steve said trying to break them apart

"Okay..." He said again but didn't succeed

laudly and uncomfortable


"Did you use tongue?" Nat said with a smirk

"Uh" Peter struggled

"Let's just go to bed I have to process and try not to throw up from this"


"Peter?" Bucky said while entering Peters room


"Its 12 AM shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Yeah but I can't, wait why are you here?"

"I waned to ask you...about the kiss..."

"Oh well I thought it was am-"

"Mistake?" Bucky finished

"You think its a mistake?"

"Well yeah" Bucky lied

"Okay...uh...im going to sleep bye" Peter realise he was about to have a breakdown


"Bye!" Peter said little lauder

Peter locked the door behind Bucky and threw a glass cup of water in the wall.  He sat on the floor with his legs against his chest. He started sobbing his eyes out. He soon fell asleep on the floor.

Next morning
"Pete? Pete? Wake up Petey" Natasha shacked Peter


"Are you okay?"

"What do you mean am I okay'?

"Well you slept on the floor, I heard you sobbing last night and you are having red and puffy eyes" She said

"Well...can you keep a secret?"

"I can try"

"The reason yesterday I pushed Wanda off me is because I have a crush on Bucky...but last night he told me that the kiss was a mistake and I had a breakdown. And my head hurts because god knows what was in that Asgardshot" Peter blurbed all at once

"Oh my god. Im gonna kill him!"


"Hey guys..." Bucky said walking through the hallway

"YOU!" Nat pointed

Natashe then grabbed him by his neck and dragged him all the way to the floor where all the avengers were

"Nat please let Bucky go we have more important stuff to do" Steve says already knowing the dril

Nat threw Bucky across the room while yelling

"How could you do that to Peter!? He is the most sweetest kid EVER!" Nat yelled

"WHATS GOING ON HERE? BUCKY, NATASHA OUT!" Tony yelled as Bruce dragged them both out

"Kid whats happening?"

"Well...this is kinda hard to say but I'm  gay" Peter said shyly "and kinda have a little crush on Bucky but after the kiss last night he told me that that was a mistake. And I told Natasha about it and now she is killing Bucky"

"Peter thats great! We are proud of you and will always support you ok?" Steve clapped like a 5 year old

Tony was silent

"Thanks" Peter said

"So now that you came out well im gay too" Tony said

"Im a lesbian" Wanda said

"And I could be a tiny bit gayish" Steve said


"This is a lot of information to take in..." Thor said to Loki

"Now Peter, if you want I will talk to Bucky and see if he really thinks it was a mistake okay?" Steve asked placing a hand on his shoulder

"Yess thank you!" Peter said

End of the chapter! I hope you like it!

Word count: 910

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