Just *Great* (Eliza)

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I finish off the school day with the rest of my classes only getting in trouble one more time, which was a personal record, so I head out to see my sister. I haven't gotten around to getting my driver's license yet because I honestly don't see the point. I have two sisters, Angelica and Peggy, who drive me everywhere. Therefore, I don't need to get mine anytime soon. 

As I was heading out I met up with my friend Alexander, Alex, Hamilton. Let me give you a little background on this interesting character that I call my friend. How do I put this? Alexander is odd. This is fine because honestly, I wouldn't trade him for the world. He is super smart and kind and if I am being honest one of the best people I have met in my life. The only problem with us is I am the only one who views this as a friendship. He sees it as a bit more than just that. He constantly brings me flowers, gifts, cards, and numerous items that I really don't need but accept because I feel bad. Alexander knows that we aren't dating but, he thinks that soon enough he can win me over and I will be all his. But for now, I got my eyes on someone else and that is a different story for only my diary. As we were walking some small conversation started to happen. Which is fine but with Alexander it is never normal. 

"So, I heard that you got in trouble today during math."

"Oh yeah," I said rubbing my neck, "You know how I am I just got lost in my mind thinking of something."

"Probably thinking about soulmates and the fact that you can't seem to find yours."

"Yes, we get it you think that I am your soulmate but I swear Alex it isn't me."

As our conversation comes to an end I arrive at my sister's car and I get in. Angelica turns and looks at me asking how my day was the sense I look annoyed and like I didn't want to be there at all. I told her that not much happened but I did leave out the details about the fall in the hall. Once we reach home I run in changing into some black jeans and a white crewneck for my shift at the coffee shop that I work at. When I arrive I clock in and start making drinks. When I have what is called dead time or time that I have nothing to do I try random drinks that someone finds at different stores. Well, I am currently going through the dead time and so I sit watch of the people and wait for new ones to come in. 

Well, that of course was until she walked in...

(474 words sorry it is kinda short)

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