School Trip -Part 3-

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"Well?" Ryuko raised an eyebrow

"....... It's-"


"....... It's.. umm-"

*ding dong*

"Room service!"

"Ah, It must be the food I ordered for us, I'll get the door!" Hikari stood up and answered the door. She came back with a lot of food in her hands. And yes, yes avoided answering the question

"Food~~ Let's eat~~" Murasakibara said

"Ohh... pizza..." Aomine said grabbing one slice

"Let's watch this, while eating! Ryuko prepared some popcorns a while ago" Hikari said, holding an Insidious DVD

"Hell no! We are not going to watch that!" Aomine said almost choking on his pizza

"Why? Scared monster?" Ryuko grabbed the DVD from Hikari and put it on the player

"Hell no, I am not scared of horror movies!"

"It shouldn't be a problem then" Akashi said and sat beside Hikari on the sofa 

-After the movie-

"Hahahahha!!! Ahomine was scared!!" Ryuko laughed

"Shh! Hikari-chan fell asleep! Look!" Momoi pointed at the redheaded girl sleeping on the sofa beside Akashi, while Akashi is sitting there reading a light novel and ignored the world

"Kawaiiiiii" Kise sparkled

"Let me take a photo" Momoi grabbed her phone and took a photo of the sleeping Hikari.

"Idiot! Don't use the flash nanodayo." Midorima said

"Huh? What time is it?" Hikari woke up rubbing her eyes

"It's 1 am, go back to sleep." Akashi pushed her forehead so that her head can rest on the sofe cushion.

"Shit! It's 1? We're in trouble! I better hit the hay" Ryuko ran back to her room and went to sleep

"Why are we in trouble?" Kuroko asked

"We are supposed to gather at the waterpark tomorrow at 5 am" Momoi said

5 am


5... a....m


"Holyshit! Only 4 hours to sleep!" Aomine, Kise and Momoi ran back to their rooms while Murasakibara, Kuroko and Midorima calmly walked to their respective rooms. Akashi sighed and carried the sleeping Hikari princess style to her room. He place her on the bed and tucked her in.

'Cute' Akashi thought, looking at her sleeping face, blushing slightly

"Goodnight my empress" Akashi smirked

"Goodnight Sei" She mumbled

-The next morning-

~Time check: 4.30 am~

"It's 4.30! Wake up and get ready!!" Hikari shouted in Ryuko's ear.

"Waaah! Hikari-chan!!' Ryuko shouted as she stood up and make a defence stance.

"Hmph! Wake up, blacky" Hikari uttered.

"Hmm...I'm shleppeeyy..." she replied half awaked.

"Now, now young lady, go take a bath" Hikari mumbled as she pulled Ryuko's hand.

Miserable Life's Wish [Akashi x oc/ Kuroko x oc]Where stories live. Discover now