Shigaraki x reader 6

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You woke up before Shigaraki so you thought to yourself, what did you feel? You didn't know but you wanted it to happen again. 

In the same time you didn't know what caused that feeling, "Maybe the sex?" you asked yourself quietly. You didn't know so you stopped asking yourself, "I should let it go." you said to yourself. You got dressed and went outside to get something to eat. 

You went to your dealer and got the usual, weed. A person flew into your mind, it was Shigaraki himself. You brushed it off. 

"Nonsense, I'm not going to fall in love with that!" you said outloud. You turned back the way you came, you thought to yourself, "Should I leave him... It's not like I love him, but he cares but me, and that's a problem. 

Nevermind I'll solve that later." you hurried home. 

As you opened the door, you were shocked due to the fact that Shigaraki was nowhere to be found, "Oh, I was wrong, he didn't care. How lovely." you said quietly. You closed the door and made yourself a sandwich as you lit the joint.

 Minutes passed as you were now high. You took your gun and played with it, a thought flew into your mind and you took one of the broken glass pieces that reflected your face as you pointed a gun into your head. 

"It's all in my head..." you said to yourself. Somebody opened the door, due to the shock you pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

 "Oh, your here?" you asked him. "What are you doing, you could have died!? What would I do then!?" he said desperately. "Sorry." you answered. He hugged you as your gun fell on the floor. "What's this smell?" Shigaraki asked. 

"Do you want some?" you asked a question back. "Oh, sure." he answered as you gave him your stack. 

A hour passed as now the two of you were in the bath together. You raised your hand as you were looking at all the scars you made, "Why did you do that?" he asked calmly as he placed his head on your shoulder and his arms around your waist. 

"To forget, or rather to feel something, I don't know really." you answered not knowing why you answered. "Finally you told me something about yourself!" he said as he smiled, you blushed as you placed your arms around your knees and pushed them back towards your chest.

You were outside, the path you were walking on together was familiar, but you couldn't recall it. "Are we going somewhere specific or-" you got cut off. "You'll see, I think you'll like it!" he answered. You looked up at the sky as your mind turned empty. 

Minutes passed and now the place you were in looked really familiar. It was your dad's house. You stopped. "What are we doing here!?" you asked loudly. 

"Come on!" he said as he pulled you into the building. You were now in front of his apartment. "What, what, w-what?" you repeated your words. 

He opened the door, but to your suprise the man you feared for a long period of time, the man that was unbeatable and was so harsh was now tied on a chair. "Suprise!" Shigaraki screamed which caused your dad to wake up.

"Y/n what the f***, you little piece of shit, untie me this-" he got cut off by Shigaraki, Shigaraki pulled your dad's hair with his gloves as he looked at your father with his bloodshot eyes, "Shut up, or I'll kill you." Shigaraki said with a serious look on his face. 

You never saw him like this, to be honest he was terrifying. He turned around as the Shigaraki you knew him as. "Here, do it, I know you hate him so here, this will end your misery!" he said while bushing. You took the gun as you stared at it. 

"I can't." you said as you started to shake. Shigaraki came towards you as he placed his hands on yours.

 "Here, all you need to do is pull the trigger." he said calmly. You pulled it not realizing what you just did. 

"I always hated you...and your...mother." he said his last words with the last strength he had. You didn't feel bad but your heart was beating fast. "I-I killed him." you said as you dropped the gun. 

"What's wrong darling!? I thought you would love this, I'm sorry." he said as he picked up the gun. "Hey, I killed my whole family and look how I turned out." he said as he turned quiet. 

"Lets go." he said as he took your hand. You followed as you heard the cops coming, you hurried.

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