Chapter 1 : Fate Is a Laughable Thing

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Hello Internet! (Danisnotonfire refrence FTW!)

This is my first fanfic EVER! Isn’t that awesome?! *Squeal like a 10 years old*

Anyway, sorry for any grammar mistakes ^^

My back hurts..

I've been sitting on my desk and typing shit for hours today. You know.. Normal stuff. Usually I would go home and have some rest, but something tells me to just have fun tonight.. And that "something" just so happen to be my coworkers. Anyway..

Suddenly, "Let have some fun!!" Erika, one of my coworker/friend shouts. She's one of the most hyped and ADHD-ish person I’ve ever met. "You know we still have some paperwork to do right?" The woman on her left side said. That one is Vorona. She’s.. Kind of hot.. (What? I’m bi so shut up) But then again, I’m not interested in someone as cold as her anyway. "Nah, he wouldn't notice it"  Kyohei said. He’s the big brother type of guy everyone have in their group of friend. I know him ever since we were in high school so we’re pretty close. “Yeah! Fuck him!” Walker shout, almost at the same tone as Erika’s. He’s her boyfriend though, so I wouldn’t be surprised. And.. Yeah..

“Shizuo? What’s wrong?" Huh? What? Oh.. I lost my senses for a while then, the next thing I know is Kyohei asking me some questions I didn't even bother listening to. "Ah.. Nothing" 

It really was nothing, though. Everything was perfectly normal. A group of coworkers going out to a bar after work, nothing's wrong with it. But still.. Somehow,

I knew something is gonna happen.


We arrived at the bar Walker was talking about all day. He said that this place have the best beer in town and something. Seems good enough for us.. "Martini Monroe" I mumbled the sign above me. Walker just grinned.

"Clever name, eh?"

"Heh, whatever you say then"                                          


I swear to God we've been here for only about half an hour but everyone, and i mean everyone, was drunk as fuck. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who is completely sober.

How did I knew that? Well.. Vorona was snoring at the edge of the booth and, no offend, her hair looked retarded as shit. But it was still WAAY better than that one time she blacked out.. (I'm scared for life). Kyohei was literally naked on the table,, leading the "dance" on his "dance floor". I guess it's normal since he just drank a few glass of Vodka.. Mixed with energy drinks.. Is that even biologically possible? Anyway..  Our love birds, Erika and Walker, were nowhere to be found. But there was some familiar "noises" coming from the bathroom, so that must mean something.

The name Martini Monroe really doesn't suit this place. First of all, they don't sell Martini, not that I’d order that (We all know Martini only works when you're in a suit and salary man suit does NOT count) but it still very awkwardly ironic. Secondly, there are neither hotties nor cuties, like Marilyn, in this bar. Heh, and they say bisexual people get laid the most. That statement is dumb.

But seriously, this place is a total nightmare for those who like to do some "sightseeing", no matter what gender or sexual orientation you have, all of the girls looks like prostitute with some plastic boobs and all of the guys looks like they're the aliens from Star Wars. The more suiting name is.. Dump. As simple as that

Just then somebody called me. "Hey..  How's things'?" I didn't recognize the voice so I looked up to find out. There, I saw a guy around the age of 30-40, wearing a long sleeved white shirt. He's slightly over weighted and not really the most handsome guy in the room. But.. I tried to be polite though. "Not much" I said, hiding my true comment. Suddenly he smiled, creepily."Y'know.. A cutie like you shouldn't be around in a place like this by yourself.." Wai-- Cutie? Don't tell me..  He's flirting with me?!! "..I heard some killers live here..” Killer my ass!!  You think I’m gonna let some old fags (no offend) top me?!! You're 40 i'm 20 bitch! 

"And.." "Could you please shut the hell up?!" I thought I’d put some senses into him. But instead, he giggled. Fucking. Giggled. "Well aren't ya a rough one, Blondie..."  Oh god.. I reached my limit. Don’t blame me, I wasn’t born with the least anger issues in here. I mean, everyone was drunk after all, so..

"Sorry, but he's straight"

A voice so unfamiliar, yet somehow so charming, came. When i turn around, it was almost like love in the first sight. In front of us, there was a raven guy around my age standing. His maroon eyes match perfectly with his black hoodie. Not to mention his well build yet feminine body. He's just.. Beautiful..

"Anyway, your girlfriend is calling. C'mon Hiro!” He grabbed my hands and pulls me away from the old farts. I can hear him calling and cursing the raven, but he doesn't seem to give a fuck though.


After a few seconds of confusion and dashing trough drunk-ass people, he finally stopped. The raven the turn himself so that he’d face me and, holy God, he was hot. Might as well turn (100%) gay because of him.. I’m sure it was really awkward for him since I was just standing there, staring at him for a while when he finally smile.

“Anything to say?”  He said, smiling (Well, it was more like a smirk..) Okay.. Don’t mess this up Shizuo.. “Ah.. Yeah. Thanks for doing that. Uh.. I’m Shizuo, Shizuo Heiwajima. Can I buy you drink or two? Just for appreciation” I said, acting like a total gentlemen (Which I’m obviously not). “Why not? I’m.. Izaya.. Izaya Orihara” He said.

Maybe it was just my imagination but when I looked into his eyes, there was something in it. Something besides his good look and kindness, actually, it felt like the complete opposite of those. But I ignored it, though. I mean, I got to sit down and drink with such a cutie! This must be fate!

Or so I thought.

 A/N : Wow, someone actually read that whole thing? I'm flattered.. (.////.)

I'll try to be better in the next chapter. See ya! 

*huggies* :3

Not the diaper (Please excuse my weirdness) 

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