Chapter 4 : Death Will Pay Us a Visit

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I’m back~! (Yeah!) And I also came up with an ending which I think is pretty good.. Sort of

There’s probably only gonna be 2 chapters left, so yeah

“Hey Kasuka, I’m going out to buy some drinks okay?”

“Sure.. Take care Nii-san”

The sight of the hallway soon greets as I opened the entrance in front of me. I walked towards the elevator and then outside my apartment. 

I did tell Kasuka that I’m going out to buy drinks. Well, I was lying. But it was for his own good, trust me.

Right now, even though I don’t know whether this is true or not, if Izaya is that pissed and is now looking for me, I think it would be the best for me to stay far from Kasuka when that finally happen.

Why did he act that way anyway? ‘You’re that kind of guy’? What does that mean? It’s not like we’re having any kind of relationship, not even a one-night-stand. Weird huh?

*sigh* Guess some people are just like that..


I sat down on a bench which has a quite nice view actually. It’s located in the center of the city, just next to a big fountain near it. City lights replaced the stars and cars flew by as people keep minding their own business; either it’s alone or with someone.

At times like this, I sort of understand why some people adore the city life.

I lit one of my so-called ‘cancer stick’ and smokes soon flew. Man.. What a week.. And all of these was cause a stupid bar trip.. I just wanted to have some fun, y’know? Drink some beer, get a bit drunk, find a cute chick or dude to play with.. To think again, it was actually going so smoothly. I mean, Izaya is damn hot and sort of kind. And then, BAM!, the guy you was about to bang is a psychopath! Heh.. Funny.. His laugh, his tone, heck, even his actions are all insane!


For some reason that I don’t even know myself, there was also something else in his voice. Like it was so painful to hear, let alone bear. No, to be honest, it sounded more painful than pain itself, if that make sense.

“But it’s true!”

“Yeah, Like I’d believe in that!”

Ughh.. Those two guys next to me are so noisy..

“I’m not lying! I did see Kanra!”

Wait.. What?!

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah! It was her alright? Feminine figure, short dark hair, and of course the infamous brown hoodie! All the gossips in one person, how is that not her??”

My body moved on its own and brought me in front of the guys next to me. “Where did you see hi- her?”

Confusion seems to fill their eyes. Yes, I know that I said is weird; abnormal. But if what I assume is true.. Things may get even more abnormal.

“Uh.. On the alleyway near the Russian Sushi.. I mean, you know where that place is right?”

“Yeah sure. Where was she’s going again?”

“That way..?”

He pointed at a way I can somehow recognize at that very second. No.. No.. “SHIT!!!!” Soon, everyone was staring at me as I ran and dash trough the city crowds. They must think I’m insane or something, but fuck that! There’s no time for that shit!! This is all insane!! What if.. What if..

I’m not the one Izaya is targeted?

--Shizuo’s Apartment / Kasuka POV --

9 o’clock.. Nii-san sure takes some time.. Where did he goes to anyway? Weird..

Ding Dong

Huh? Is that Nii-san? “Yeah, I’m coming!” I stood up from the sofa and walked towards the entrance. I know I should have check through the door hole first, but I’m too lazy…

I opened the door and saw a figure standing in front of Nii-san’s apartment. At first, his figure does look feminine but after just a few seconds, anyone can tell he is a male. Raven hair and maroon eyes, this guy’s definitely a looker. Wait.. Nii-san is bi right? Is this his boyfriend?

“So.. It’s true..” He suddenly say in a low and somewhat mysterious tone. ‘True’? “ Excuse me.. May I help y—“

But before I can finish my sentences.. Everything goes blank. My sense of sight disfunction for a while and when I opened my eyes, my body soon trembled on its own.

I was laying on the floor with the raven’s knees on my chest, pushing me down. His eyes pierced into mine; his maroon, no, his crimson eyes. But what frightened me the most is the knife he was holding onto my neck. Trembling yet paralyzed at the same time, my mind just blurred. W- who is he??

“You.. You’re the one..”

The one who what?

“ You took him away from me..”

Take who??


Why what?!!


What the fuck is going on?? What’s with all these questions?? I don’t get it!! Nii-san.. Where are you?!!

A/N : Believe it or not i've made the 1st half of chapter 5 (Shocking, i know)

So i probably upload it this Sunday.. But we all know how it went the last time i said that.. ;-;

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