Hello Summer!

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Ah, the fresh breeze always woke you up on a beautiful sunny morning. Finally, summer was nigh and coming in hot, literally. It was supposed to get up to 90° F! One of the hottest summers!

The only thing that was in between you and relaxation was the thought of the twins who always came during the summer were going to be back again for this one and their great uncle is going to ruin the fun at the community pool again and probably get kicked out, again.

You never really knew them personally but you knew them enough to know that they were a bad influence in most ways. Especially the girl with long light brown hair who has bedazzled things in her hair or on her face half of the time or she's screaming at the top of her lungs because she found a new boy. You just never understood those two.

The male twin was calm and collected but also quirky and awkward at times. One time he tried to order something from the diner you worked at called Greasy's Diner and his voice cracked making him turn red in the face and his sister and great uncle laugh. You just stood there straight-faced (or at least trying) and cleared your throat to let them know you were still there to take their orders.

Their great uncle told you what his nephew wanted and you nodded in understanding. Walking back to the ordering station you heard more laughing and huffed continuing your venture.

As you neared the kitchen to put up a ticket you saw your mom walking out and gave her a reassuring smile before blowing her a kiss. She smiled back and continued to stride out of the warm kitchen.

You put the ticket up in hopes of the cooks seeing it and jogged back out to find the Pines family fighting. "Woah, Woah, guys you can't fight in here. If you would, please take this outside." You asked with a stern tone.

The twins stared at you and then sat down while the older man waltzed out of the diner in outrage. "I can pay for you guys if your uncle isn't going to." You whispered over and they nodded their heads and whispered back "It's okay he already paid for us and we can just take his food to-go and bring it to him to eat.".

You smiled and made your way back to the kitchen where pots and pans were being flung all over the place. "Woah, Woah, Woah, what in the world is going on here?!" You screamed and the sound of a pan hitting the floor was the only other sound except for your frustrated grunts and huffs.

The workers stared at you with a worried expression. "Sorry about that Y/n. We had a little bit of a disagreement." One of the workers reasoned with you and explained the whole thing from start to finish. You listened to him with doubt but in the end, decided it seemed like a pretty good story and excuse.

"Alright, I'll let you off the hook for now but if it happens again I will call the manager and tell him of the ruckus you all are making. Not to mention that I had to deal with fighting customers just now. Don't test me and if you do so help me I will find a way to contact the manager and make a special little call to him." You finished making you sound a little bit like a Karen but you just shook it off knowing that you had more business to attend to such as the man in the back of the store wanting more coffee.

They all nodded in understanding and went back to making real food and not goofing and slacking off while the baristas worked their butts off.

The bell rang and you hurried over to grab any food that you could carry on the small trays. The smell of flapjacks and syrup filled your nose and you smiled brightly. This was a good job. Good pay, somewhat nice customers, amazing food, and you get health insurance while you work here, they added that feature because too many of the workers were burning their thumbs on still-hot pans and they were some very fatal burns.

You found a sticky note stuck to the plate telling what table they belonged to and you found table 5 in no time. Sitting, the Pines twins were awaiting their food. "Would you like me to go get a to-go box for you right now or later?" You asked with a fake smile plastered on your face.
"Right now would be fine, thank you." The male twin asked calmly.

You shook your head and walked to the kitchen where they kept all the to-go boxes. You grabbed one and brought it out on the tray with a few more dishes that had food and didn't too.
"Sorry about the wait. It's a bit busy right now." You apologized. "You're fine!" The female answered. You smiled and put the box on the table before leaving to go pick up more dishes, fill up coffees and put food on tables.

The bell on the door when the last person left signaled your break. It was when all the people were home or outside or maybe even work. You could finally let your shoulder and arm relax and regain your stamina. Your mom, Lazy Susan, walked over. "That was a long shift, wanna go and hang out at home for the rest of the day?" She asked. "I think I'll be fine but I don't know, I'm still getting used to carrying stuff on my shoulder and head even. Not to mention holding all that stuff and then someone wants you to fill their coffee cup filled  back up." You complained and she laughed.

"Y/n you should go home. It's getting late and you know how I feel about you working after dark." She tickled you and you giggled and left wiping a tear from your eyes from laughing and waving bye to your mom.

You got home and found the hundreds of cats that you and your mom owned and called pets. They were originally strays but after trying so many times to get someone to take care of them instead of having all these cats you both decided to keep them since no one wanted them and hey, you both loved the feline friends' company.

You pet them all and then left to your room closing the door and hearing fireworks go off from the shack down the road that the twins and their great uncle lived. Your eyes were wide the whole night. The sounds never stopped and the explosions in the sky hadn't ceased. Soon enough the sun was up and you had large dark bags under your eyes.

How fun work will be today!

The first chapter is done! Woo! I have good and high hopes for this book so I'm gonna do my best to keep it afloat with an algorithm maybe. Stay weird! Bye~ •W•

1206 words

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