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As the fire spreads and the clouds grow darker from the smoke, Luna opens her mind and lets her power take control.

Her ice cold hands reach though the fire and settles its flames, her cold breath blows away the fog of smoke suffocating the people that it surrounds.

Luna's powers start to glow and takes her body high into the sky, her arms reach out as she unleashes her power upon the dragon making it crumble under her command.
The rogue mage is stund by this power, no one has ever challenged him or his fire breathing dragon before.

Luna takes her hands and bends them to the dragon and forces him to command her every will, the dragon starts to breath out flames that could make even the strongest metal melt but Luna's icy clutch on him makes him bend at her hands. Her ice cold breath forces the dragon to obey giving the people on the ground a chance to escape before the rogue mage unleashes his anger on them.

The commander down on the ground stares in disbelief at Luna and the power she wields.

"The rumours must be true" he mumbles while gazing at Luna. He quickly shakes his head snapping back to reality, he grabs his sword and leads the villagers to an underground training centre leaving Luna to defend them against the fire breathing dragon and the rogue mage.

With the sound of chaos echoing through the underground tunnels the commander settles the people down. His voice assures the people that they are safe from the dragon but there is still fear among the people.

Back outside, Luna uses her power to control the dragon and leads him against his own master, the rogue mage. The mage then becomes enraged and without hesitation he kills his dragon. Luna with surprise and anger starters at the mage in disbelief, 'why would he just kill his own dragon' she thinks to herself. The mage with fire in his eyes brings Luna down to his level and grabs her by the throat, his hand tightening with every passing second. Luna's eyes start to fade and her cold grip disappears, the mage is draining Luna from her power.

Never has she encountered a dark mage as strong as him. Her eyes close as the mage pulls the light out of her but before all hope is lost a sword goes through the dark rogue mages heart killing him slowly.

The commander had come to save Luna.
She falls to ground as the mage lets go of his tight grip on her, her neck bleeds from his grip and her eyes go bloodshot. She gasps for air but she is in too much pain to even be able to breath.
The commander now bending over her shouts "Are you alright!? Can you hear me?" But Luna can not hear him, her eyes slowly close and she once again falls unconscious.

A few days later

Luna wakes up once more from being unconscious but this time she is not chained up, nor is she in a prison cell. She wakes up in a small tent while laying on a few blankets and bandages covering her wounds. She tries to sit up but the spiking pain in her neck immediately forces her to lay down.
She lays there for a while before hearing faint voices coming from outside the tent.

"How is she doing?"

"She is healing commander, but her wounds need attending to regularly."

"Keep me updated, I want to speak to her when she awakens."

"Yes commander."

The footsteps move further and further away from the tent but soon after the tent opens, Luna quickly closes her eyes and waits. The person assess Luna and re-aplies her bandages, fixing them and tending to her wounds.
The person attending to Luna makes her flinch when she assess her neck wounds.

"Ah, I see you are awake then?" The women says.

"Yes.." Luna slowly replies.

"How long have been awake for?"

"Not too long, I wanted to move but my neck won't allow me."

"That's all right, here this will help." The women takes out a green ointment and smeers it gently onto Luna's neck, with some groans and painful moans Luna feels a bit more at ease.

"What was that?" Luna curiously asks.

"It is a herbal ointment that mages use for wounds to make them heal quicker. I thought you would know what it is seeing that you are a mage yourself." The women replied.

Luna gives a nod to the women thanking her for her help also indecating that the conversation is done. The women nods back at Luna and leaves the tent thereafter.

With a bit less pain and a bit more strength Luna is able to lift her head and slowly sit up. To her right is some food that was left by the friendly women who had attended to her, with a small smile of gratitude Luna leans forward and start eating the fresh fruit and water that was left for her.

'This fruit is amazing' she mumbles as she continues to stuff her face.
'Maybe it's because I haven't eaten in days' she mumbles again but without hesitation she continues to stuff her face.

As she finishes she gathersall her strength and forces her body to stand up. Her legs are weak but she manages to move to the opening of the tent, just as she wanted to leave she realises that she is half naked and can definitely not go outside like that. She continues to rummage through the tent for some clothes and eventually find a neatly folded pile of clothes. She obviously puts them on and of course they fit perfectly, it's as if the people took her exact measurements.

Either way, she got dressed and continued to make her way to the opening of the tent.

His New MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant