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'You can drink a drink, but you can't food a food' ah Reddit at half 5 in the morning. (notification goes of) a news alert? At half 5. 'A magic portal has possibly been found' uummm ok probably fake news, I hope. The young guardian clicked on the article and read through it to find...it's about a cave not an oak tree, luckily. And went back to reading though Subreddits and getting triggered when people say 'magic didn't exist and whoever disagrees is mentally behind'. Which is oddly specific. And odd. Very odd. And Twitter is as toxic as ever, random people raging, random freak outs, people being overly dramatic, wow this sounds like high school why can't I escape it for just 5 minutes.

Hi Olivia hear, sorry for not updating and this chapter being so short I'll TRY to update weekly (key word being try) for one story at a time. Sorry again. BYE!!

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