chp 10

147 6 1

-a few months goes by and Jules is getting there bit by bit.-

-Jules pov-

I wake up and i look beside me and johnny isn't there, he must be downstairs again like every morning. Ever since the baby incident Johnny has been making me breakfast. I smell the food from downstairs i put on a hoodie and slid my slippers on and walked downstairs.

I see everyone down there smiling at me waiting for me to say something.

Jules: hey.

Jayden: Good morning! how was your sleep?

Jules:it was good.

-i walk over to my seat and sit down and johnny brings my food over. I smile at him in return as a thank you.i pick at my food the last 20 minutes then i throw it away and walk back upstairs-

Jayden:And there she goes again back up to her bed.

Johnny: cut her some slack its only been 2 months.

Jayden: we gotta get her to do something

Hayden: ill go up to her and talk to her and see if shes okay.

-Hayden walks upstairs to Jules's room but before he opens the door he hears a lot of moving around, he tries to listen closely to see if he can hear what shes doing. He opens the door slowly and sees Jules in gear with boxing gloves and padding gear-

Hayden: Jules? what are you doing why are you in gear?

-Jules jumps in fright then realizes its Hayden-

Jules: don't creep up on people! (she grasps her chest where her heart would be)...I'm gonna go to the training room and start training again.

Hayden: But its not training day, and training for what exactly?

Jules: From now on everyday is training day for me.

Hayden: Jules are you okay?

Jules: yeah? why wouldn't i be.

Hayden: i don't know maybe because of a certain incident that has happened recently?

Jules: i know, a miscarriage its the second time its happened as you know so i don't think i would forget this sort of thing. But, thank you so much for reminding me and letting me know that yet again i am a failure to the world and obviously did something wrong. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go train like i said i would. Goodbye Hayden. 

(Jules furiously walks past Hayden and goes straight to the basement to the training room passing everyone else in the gang even Johnny without a words to any.)


Emily: was that just me or did you guys see Jules in her training gear heading to the basement too?

Johnny: what the hell is she doing?

(Johnny quickly follows Jules to the basement and sees her beating the living crap out of a boxing bag)

Johnny: Jules?

(she continues to train trying to block out Johnny's voice)

Johnny: hello earth to Jules its your boyfriend speaking.

(she sighs and puts her headphones on and trains harder sending a sin to johnny that she doesn't want him here)

(Johnny swiftly walks over to her and takes the headphones out of her ears and moves her to look at him)

Johnny: i'm speaking to you

Jules: i heard, was the ignoring not loud enough basically telling you to leave?

Johnny: oh no it was loud enough clear as day. But this is my house and you are in my house you do not make up the rules you don't get the choice that if i have to leave in my own goddamn house i'm the one who tells people to leave.

(Jules gets closer to Johnny's face and stares at him with death in her eyes)

Jules: oh don't worry "boss" i haven't forgotten who owns this house and who makes the rules since the owner here fucking kidnapped me in the first place for me to be here!

(Jules pushes past him whilst taking off her boxing gloves)

Johnny: who the hell do you think your talking to

Jules: my boyfriend remember? or are we back to kidnapper?

Johnny: what the fuck has gotten into you?! why are you acting like we didn't loose our child and that i did something wrong!

Jules: Because Johnny Fucking Orlando!, you did do something wrong, ya kidnapped me and my bestfriend, forced us to stay here and then luckily we fell in love and then i was pregnant, again i might add i got fucking kidnapped AGAIN and lost my baby AGAIN TO THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE ALL BECAUSE YOU KIDNAPPED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!

(she breaks down crying, she takes a deep breath and looks at Johnny)

Jules: don't get me wrong john.. i love you i really do and i loved our kid for the amount of time but clearly i'm not fit to be a mother or to be happy. i'm not saying its all your fault because i was already involved with gangs before you, but i'm also not saying that i don't regret meeting you.

Johnny: are you trying to blame me for our kids death?


Johnny: no because that's what its exactly starting to sound like Julianna!

Jules: i'm not blaming you for the death i'm blaming you for how we even became a thing, you took me away from my life and my friends!

(He just stands there quietly staring at her)

Jules: i cant do this anymore, i cant be in this gang or be here at all i'm leaving tonight i was gonna leave tomorrow and tell you tonight but i cant stay any longer..

(Jules walks back up the stairs)

Johnny: wait no- (she ignores him and keeps walking)


Jayden: come on Jules please stay. I'm here i'm staying

Jules: and that's good jay you belong here its a good fit.

Lilia: Jules please.. i cant loose you the second time

Jules: you wont, ill stay in contact i wont be a stranger.

Hayden: bye j..

Jules: bye hay.. (they hug)

Carson: Cya around Jules.

Jules: um ya.. sure

Johnny: whats with the um. why are you um-ing

Jules: its just i might not be staying in California anymore..

Emily: and why not?

Jules: i want to start over..

Johnny: fair..

Jules: bye guys i love you all..

gang: bye..



??: daddy..mommy i'm hungry

??: come on munchkin ill get you pancakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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