A bit about me

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My names Emily Clarke, and this is my journal.
Okay so first of all here's a little bit about me. I go to depthmore high school in London, and I'm 14 years old. I have wavy chestnut hair, green eyes and pale skin. Doesn't sound that bad, right? According to the kids at my school it is. They pick on me and my biggest wish is to have real friends. I did have a friend once, her name was Holly. But that's another story.
I have 4 sisters who are all older than me, and 1 older brother and 1 younger brother. Yea, I know I know it's a lot for my mother right? Wrong. My Mums a messed up drunk. She goes out every night and comes stumbling back with some worthless old fart. My older sister Lucy is the one who looks after us. I love Lucy, she's actually a really good sister. She's quite girly and teacher like though. The rest of my sisters are very different. Olivia, who is 14, is my twin sister. She's been with me through thick and thin and the bestest friend in the world. Her hair is long and blonde and her eyes are green like mine. She has friends, a boyfriend, best friends, and loads of the boys love her. My next sister, Cash, is a popular high school heart throb. Like me she has green eyes, but her hair is amazing. It's a caramel blonde with gorgeous streaks in it. Their all natural but it looks amazing. She sings like an angel too. She's only 16 and this is the thing about my sisters... Each one has a better life than me. There's Nicole who's 15, there's Chantelle who's 18. They are beautiful and talented. Both dancers and amazing actors.
That only leaves two siblings, my brothers. Ash is older than me. He's 15 and is Nicole's twin brother. He has blonde hair that sweeps across his face in a hott way. He has a new girlfriend every night. He's a really good big brother though. That just leaves one more. He's called Bradley and he's my baby brother.
Here's one thing about us, we aren't fully related. Nearly all of them have different fathers unfortunately. I wish we could be fully related, it would mean we could be perfect. Us of course, not our mother and fathers.
So there you have it, a bit about me. Of course, that's not all, there's loads more to it. But for now, I guess this is goodbye! :)
~ love emily

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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