An Abrupt Introduction Because This Part of the Story Gives me Seretonin :)

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*BTW, this character kind of has three names 

Adora- the original name, got it from that one scene from Secret of the Sword where the falcon lady tells Princess Adora she is She-ra, really great scene, loved the name

Theodora- I got this from The Haunting of Hill House, great series btw, and loved how it added more syllables. I also liked it because people could still call Theodora, Adora, keeping my fave name, however, who the hell just casually calls someone Theodora?

Soooooo... this led to me referring to her as Theo ('cause I'm lazy), and letting her casual friends call her that as well

so, Theodora is her name, but she goes by Adora, or just Theo, in most cases

Happy Reading!*

The brooms landed in the ramparts of the astronomy tower, and Theo let go of Harry's waist, her eyes immediately darting over to Dumbledore. Even now, after everything, he looked remarkedly steadfast. The evening had been a nightmare, a terrifying fever dream of revelation and horror, but the emerald mark over the castle cemented this as the worst night of their lives. 

The three, Harry, Theodora, and Dumbledore, had returned from fetching a Horcrux, Slytherin's locket, from a mysterious island Tom Riddle had visited as a boy. The trio was weak with exhaustion, but the adrenaline of terror kept the evening scaringly crisp. And yet, Theo could hardly hear as Harry began his usual barrage of questioning.

"What does it mean?"

"Is it the real Mark?"

"Has someone definitely been- Professor?"

She was thinking of the last time the Dark Mark had been waiting over her home, after the Triwizard tournament, with the blood on the walls, and the fire. It was only her professor that snapped her out of the daze.

"Go and wake Severus," Dumbledore said, politely but firmly. He was looking directly at Theo, but how could he know? It didn't matter. "Tell him what has happened and bring him to me. Go quickly, and speak to no one else, we'll be here."

Theo hesitated slightly, not wanting to leave them in a vulnerable state. 

"You swore, Adora"

and with that she was off, running quickly, bolting through the doors. Her mind raced through a thousand alternatives, and to the chamber, she had visited a thousand times before. She could feel tears welling in her eyes, blurring her vision. She had never felt so helpless, not even after her father, or the fire, or the nights alone in the manor under nibbled sheets. Snape first, but what next? Her heart raced. A beacon for what was to come.

It was silly, really. And she would think about it every day since, but she cut through the grand staircase. On any normal evening, this should have saved time. However, it should be noted that this was no normal night and that evil, true evil, was prowling about in all its treacherous forms. 

It was then she felt a great tug at her shoulders. A powerful force willing her back and up and into the cold stone. But it couldn't be stone. It was moving, swift and graceful and terribly cold against her. She inhaled deeply as it drew her back, enough to let out a powerful, guttural scream when the pain sprouted at her neck. It was like two needles, pulsating and throbbing under her skin, seeming to swell with every beat of the heart. It could have lasted forever, and she might never have told the difference.

She saw her whole life, and very specific moments, all at once. With each swell she could feel it, the two of them were no strangers. 

Thankfully, however, it only actually lasted for a couple of moments, and soon a booming urgent voice could be heard, drowning out the violent ringing in Theo's ears. Lupin, she thought thankfully. He said some threat which she couldn't make out, and it stopped. Her body fell to the floor, the real stone, which was gratefully unmoving and had no ill-intentions. She could feel the sting of the wounds running through her body, centered on her neck. She couldn't move, even her mind felt weak and drained, the world seeming fuzzy. Someone, presumedly Lupin, lifted her to her feet. He said something, worriedly, and quickly, but Theo couldn't understand. It was like she was asleep, or rather in that place you go right before sleep where Wendy met Peter Pan. All she did was dig her face into his coat, which was worn and warm and smelled like chocolate. She couldn't really remember anything else after that. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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