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The downside of having a best friend who believes fully in things such as the afterlife, you get asked many questions about your soul.

"Okay, so do you think it's like a super-pure white or like a malicious type purple? Or maybe both, you know, orrr is it green? Are you envious of anybody? Because like-"


"Sorry, sorry Laura, it's just- I was reading this one story where they talked about souls, and if it was white, then you were like- purest of pure..."

I zoned out, letting her chat on about her story. 

You see, I'm 99% sure I don't have a soul.

Sounds ridiculous, one cant be born without a soul, but here I am, Celestia Laura Murasaki. ( I hate my first name, so I go by my middle.) The only human born into a family of witches and is without a soul to top it all off. See, I got really sick as a baby, and my mother thought I was getting overwhelmed by my powers, which is something really normal, I guess.

Anyway, she took me to a healer,  who deemed that I needed something called a 'soul search.' Obviously, they found no soul to search, and my parents kept it under wraps for years, thinking it was being hidden from sight. (The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but I digress.)

"Kelsie, I love you; I really do, but please, let's continue this tomorrow." I stood up and grabbed my bag. " You know how my parents are about curfew."

Kelsie pouted and handed me my papers, wishing me a good walk home and reminding me to keep my phone close. 

-POV change-

Laura was strolling quietly down the dark street, one hand in her bag fishing around for her headphones, when she felt a drop of water splash on her head. She glanced at the sky and shook it off, making her way down the road, before several more drops landed in her hair and on her face when she looked to glare at the sky.

Muttering curses to herself, she ducked into an alley, fishing her phone out of her pocket to call Kelsie. Usually, she would stick it out, but her mother spent hours taming her hair, and she didn't want to hear the lecture. 

"Hey, hey! Kelsie here; I'm not by my phone right now, sorry, but leave a message, besties, ill call you asap!"

She frowned and looked around her before moving deeper into the alleyway. She leaned against the wall under some cover from the rain and slid down, a sigh escaping her mouth.

"Can't wait to explain this one." She grumbled

"Lucky for you, won't have to explain anything." 

She shot up and stared into the alleyway.

"Who's there!?" She called, looking around " I have a weapon, and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Who was she kidding when she was terrified to use it, and she doesn't even have one.

"Now now, Celestia, there's no need to lie, especially not to me." 

A shadowy figure melted out of the shadows and stared at her evenly. He was tall- stupid tall, probably 6' tall at best.

"Who are you?" She whispered shakily

He leaned forward and stared her in her eyes before smiling. "Name's Jackson; I'm your reaper."

She blinked. "Like- what?"

He tilted his head to the side before continuing, "It's not like soulmates, so please don't think that. But basically, it's time for me to collect your soul and bring you with me to the underworld."

"Oh yeah, because that's normal."

Almost as normal as the way the rain bends around his body.

"Listen, Celestia-" She frowned at him, and he held his hands up "Sorry. Laura, it's not my choice; you're slated to come with me today. But trust me." He held out his hand, and a shimmering scythe appeared in it, glinting in the steady falling rain.  "It won't hurt."

Before she could object, the scythe sliced across her torso, but she didn't feel any pain, she just felt a cold wind and her eyes stayed wide with shock. 

She could still see Jackson, who reached forward to grab something before he paused. "Huh."

His hand pressed against her, and she stumbled into his arms.

"Laura, you're- somehow soulless."

She sighed, of course, she was. "So?"

Jackson stared at her evenly before holding out his other hand, where a similar but smaller scythe glimmered into view. "You need to find it. You are one of me, a reaper, but you need to find your soul before you can join me."

She glared at him. "And if I don't want to join you?"

He shrugged. "That's fine. But understand you will never be able to go back to your normal life." He pointed at the ground, and Laura looked down and shrieked. Laying there lifeless on the wet floor was her.

"You died when I 'reaped' you. You are a spirit now, but you will be stuck here. And without a soul, and soon you will go to the Shadow Zone. And unless you like to be tormented by demons...." he held the scythe out. "You're going soul hunting with me, Blondie."

She blinked at him and looked back at her body.

"How long will it take?"

"Depends. We'd have to ask my boss."

Laura inhaled and held that breath for a while before finally letting it out. "Give me the stinking scythe Jackson."

"Atta girl Blondie! You'll have fun with me, I swear."

She wouldn't admit it, but she believed him.

He slashed his scythe against the wall, and a black mist started pouring out. "After you."

She pulled her hair into a ponytail and stepped into the mist.

This should be...interesting,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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