Chapter 5

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"Hey Grace, you were amazing." Chester complimented me.

Personally I didn't really think I did all that well, after all, I wasn't an actor. But Chester's genuine smile told me to there was truth in his words.

"Thanks Chester, you too." I replied, blushing.

"Hey lovebirds! We're filming scene two now! The log's finally cleaned up!" the director called and I felt my face light up in surprise. We looked like a couple? Wait, shoot, Chester's going to see me look like a tomato again!

I quickly turn away, staring at a few pine trees a several feet away. I feel a pair of searching eyes on me but I ignore it. Oh my god, what's Chester going to reply with? What if he completely turns that down? What if he doesn't say anything at all? What am I going to have to say then?

Luckily, I notice him open his mouth and I feel myself getting nervous.

He blushed before laughing nervously. "Come on, let's go flim." What's that supposed to mean? Is he just trying to ignore that? He probably just thinks it's a joke. I sigh. Stupid boys.


I stood right outside of the shot, having a little pep talk with myself. "Stop panicking Grace," I chastised, "All we're doing is acting. There's no deeper meaning to it whatsoever. So stop worrying about the kiss so much!"

I move my gaze to the director and take a deep breath. I'll be fine.


I walk over to the log, and take a seat beside Chester.

"I thought I'd find you here."

And with that, our lines flew by, time passing by, until it was time forms to speak my final line.

I sighed. "God, I wish we were young-"

I leaned in slowly before softly pressing my lips to hers. She tasted like sweet mint, and I could smell her tantalizing fruity shampoo. It was perfect. Even though it was only acting, it was the best kiss I'd ever had. If only this were real.

I pulled away after what felt like the shortest yet longest moments of my life. I looked back at her bright brown eyes and rosy flushed cheeks and grinned.

He stood up, pulling me to my feet, and we ran into the nearby woods, our hands intertwined.

It took no more than several steps before I messed up, my clumsiness finally surfacing.

"Ah!" I yelped, tripping over a stupid tree root. Stupid two left feet.

I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist, and I look up to see Chester's concerned face.

"You ok?" he asked softly, pulling me onto feet.

I shake out my legs, relieved that I didn't feel any pain.

"All thanks to you." I smile, "Thanks for catching me."

"No problem." his face filled with relief, and he turned towards the director. "Did you get all the footage you need?"

"Yeah, we got enough. Don't worry, we don't have to refilm anything. Brilliant acting though, you two. Perfect chemistry! It looked like you guys were really into it." he smirked, winking.

"Just like Edward and Bella right?" I laughed, shaking off the discomfort between Chester and I.


We'd wrapped up on the scenes with me around noon. I have to admit, the dancing was a lot harder than it looked. The few moves that me and Chester had to learn took well over an hour to perfect.

Watching over the footage, I felt amazed that I, Grace Helbig, had managed to get through the whole scene without tripping, falling, or whatever else could've gone wrong. I admit, when it comes to dancing, I'm usually pretty clumsy. Not screwing up wasn't the best part though. That would be the many times that me and Chester had to kiss. It was like the first scene times 5! It certainly wasn't hard to act my part at all. The blushing, smiling, looking hopelessly in love, it was all real. I don't know how Chester felt during filming, but I felt like I'd been dreaming. It was perfect.

I walked over to the buffet tables where lunch was being served. Grabbing a salad and water, I headed straight to where Chester was diving into his sandwich.

"Hey Chester." I squeaked. What the hell? Since when did I turn into a mouse?

"What's up? he smiled, unbothered by my weird voice.


He laughed,"Of course."

There was a long period of silence while we ate before he spoke again.

"So... do you wanna stay on set and watch us film after lunch? I mean, if you have time. I'm not trying to force you or anything. It's your decision." he rambled his hand movements starting to make me dizzy. "Sorry, I'm acting like an idiot aren't I?"

I ignored his clear awkwardness and nod enthusiastically, "Of course I'll stay! I'd love to watch this being filmed from behind the scenes! If everyone else is ok with it, I mean. God, I hope my voice doesn't give anything away.

"Don't worry about it!" he laughed, his pearly white smile stretching from ear to ear,"you've only been here for half a day, and already everybody on set loves you. So if anything, they're probably all jumping with joy."

"Thanks." I blushed. Seriously, do I blush at everything he says?

"We're starting in 5!" someone yells, and everyone groans. Lunch during filming was always short. That's why you had to shovel all the food into your mouth as fast as possible. Or you could just survive on snacks like I usually do.

Chester begins to take huge bites of his sandwich, chewing as fast as humanly possible, while I take my time with my salad.

The advantages of finishing filming your parts before lunch.

Authors note:
Horrible way to end it off. Or decent, if your not into cliffhangers I guess. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Btw, if you don't already know, Chester's with Grace in Vancouver right now while she's filming EWDG. OMG. Grester is definitely real. Literally, there's too much proof. The ship has sailed. Yes. That's all.

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