part 7

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"Remus....i dont feel so good..." I turned to look at his golden brown orbs, we were still laying in his bed and he looked at me in a concernjng way.

"darling what do you mean..."  He began to hold my face but before he could i had to run to the bathroom to vomit(🤢)

"DARLING ARE YOU OK???!!!"  remus ran to the bathroom door and knocked on it,  he sounded worried.

"Y-yeah..."  I croaked as he slowly opened the door.

"You sure...?" He looked at me and i looked at him,  we both knew what was actually wrong be neither of us acknowledged it.

I was pregnant(🤰🤰)

A few weeks had passed and me and remus haven't spoke since then, he stopped giving me kind smiles and began to give me mean glares,  he seemed mad but i mean it was technically HIS fault.

"Hey y/n you ok?" Draco had ran up to me after class, i was holding my books against my stomach cause even though i wasnt showing i still felt like everyone could tell.

" um....i don't know, we need to talk though."  I sighed and brought him to a broom closet.

"Im pregnant draco" i looked down ad i talked.

"You are?! But we havent done it like that." He raised an eyebrow

"Well that the thing isnt your kid..." My eyes welled with tears.

"Then whos is it?!"  He looked mad.

"Professor lupins....."

Draco's Property; a Draco X y/n Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now