Problems in the family (1) /Short/

16 3 1

It was a day like any other, Dell, the father of a whole herd of children, was resting. He was sound asleep and unaware of the fact his best bud and uncle to the children, Ink, was guarding his door.

Two curious faces peeked around a corner, staring at Ink before both rushed off to the couch, where a large brush lay.

"I get it first! You messed around with it last time!"

"Nu-uh! That was Charlotte!"

The two seemed to bicker. The first one to speak had long, brown hair. Loosely hanging around their shoulders. They almost looked like a tiny DS!Ink-to which they sorta were.

The second was a skeleton who seemed to wear a purple colored wig. The hair was tied back into a long ponytail. He wore clothes much similar to Classic Sans but had his own little touches here and there.

Paint, the first one, let out a scoff before picking up the brush,

"I'm pretty sure I know how it works anyway!"

"Oh cmon! Thats only because you have a tiny version!"

"It is not tiny. Uncle Ink doesn't even let me play with it much."

JayJay, the other, crossed their arms with a huff before hoping up and snagging the brush from Paint's grip,

"Well you might know more but you're gunna have to catch me for it!"

"I'm not Charlotte, y'know. And I don't have that much time! I got Noctis to agree to go to the park with me today!"

"Oh really? I thought he was hanging out with Charlotte again."

"But he promised!"

"Might wanna go check~!"

With hesitation, Paint soon gave up and ran off to find the goopy yet fancy octopus to remind him they had a promise.

Jay smiled in victory before he felt the brush be snagged out of his grip. Eyes staring holes into the back of his head. He gulped and slowly turned around to see someone towering over him with a frown.

It was Uncle Ink.

"What did I say about playing with my brush? Someone could get hurt."

"Paint was here too!"

"Then where is she now?"

With a shudder, Jay soon took off, earning a sigh from Ink, whom put his brush away somewhere safer and left back to where he was standing before.

Jay just left to hide in the safety of his messy room, leaving the door locked behind him.

"Phew. At least I can't get in trouble now!"

And oh boy would he be wrong...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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