Abel had never been good with kids

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Abel had never been good with kids. He wasn't excitable, or loud, or even cheerful enough to really make them comfortable. For this reason, he avoided his little sister Laura. It's not like he wanted to play with her anyways.

But things changed when their mother brought home a new baby one day. She had been going to work in Luxembourg when she found the child wandering around.

She brought him home.

The child was too young to speak, so she named him Lux, because of where she found him. Abel thought it was a boring name, but Laura loved it. The baby seemed to like it too. He would babble happily and toddle around with his fist in his mouth, watching everything with wide, curious green eyes.

Although the child was cute, Abel decided to avoid him just like he avoided Laura. He would only make their lives worse. But some part of him knew that they wouldn't see it that way; some part of him knew that they would grow to despise him because he was never there for them.

But he ignored that little voice in his head, and told himself that they had each other and Mom. Mom would take care of them. They didn't need an older brother.

That all changed when she died. Abel was 22 when she had her heart attack. Laura was 18, and Lux was 16.

Abel decided to try and take custody of Lux. After all, it was the least he could do for the brother he saw last 4 years ago. Laura was 18 and flying off to college in Belgium. She wasn't his problem. 

The door swung open, bringing Abel out of his thoughts. Lux and Laura walked in, setting their bags down. Neither one made eye contact with Abel.

He didn't care.

Laura helped Lux get settled in. "I'm going to stay for a few days," she told Abel. "Just to help Lux."

Her expression made it clear that she wasn't there for Abel. He simply shrugged. "Do what you want."

Three days passed, and Laura left. Abel drove her to the airport. On the way, she had some things to say.

"Pay attention to him. He needs a lot of love right now. You forced him to move away from his girlfriend—"

"He has a girlfriend?"

"Oui! This is what I mean when I need you to pay attention to him! You know NOTHING about Lux!"

"He doesn't like me."

"He could have!"


"YOU TWO COULD HAVE BEEN BEST FRIENDS!" Laura wiped her eyes and sniffled, and Abel felt his heart jump.

"Why are you crying over this?!"

"Don't you understand anything?!"

"Apparently not! Explain it to me!"

There was a long silence.

Finally, Laura spoke again. "Lux needed an older brother. He still does. And you were never there for either one of us. Be there for him now. Please."

Abel didn't reply. He felt irrationally angry. What could he even say to that? Silently, he pulled up to the airport. Silently, he helped her bring her things there. Silently, he waved goodbye as she headed back out to Belgium for college.

On the drive back home, he was still silent.

What was there to say? He knew Laura was right.

Abe pulled up in the driveway, and he finally muttered something. "Mijn excuses," he muttered. I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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