Chapter 5

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TW // blood and the use of fag

"Skeppy and Bad are off doing their own thing today and NONE of you can think of something for us to do?" Sapnap asked, dumbfounded. The group threw around a few ideas, including the beach, Disneyland, and SeaWorld, but nothing was settled on. "We could call over Techno, he said he lived here his whole life so he probably knows some good things to do." Dream suggested, figuring the pinkette would be able to help.

The group collectively groaned at their indecisiveness before agreeing to ask Techno. "I'll just message- Hey, where are you guys going?" Dream watched his friends start walking towards the door, with George already having his hand on the doorknob. "Uh.. to ask Techno if there's anything cool around here?" Dream's brow furrowed in confusion.

"He's probably hanging out with his family and doesn't want us bothering him. I'll just message him and ask about it, and if he responds? Cool. He doesn't? Damn, too bad." Punz shrugged as Sapnap rolled his eyes and George sighed. "Well unless you want to just sit here and argue all day, we need a plan and he's our best bet right now." Punz groaned. Dream, who was already typing out the message while arguing, hit send. "Well I just messaged him, so let's give it 5 minutes. If he doesn't reply by then, we'll go knock on his door since you're so insistent that we do that."

The others grumbled in unison, and Dream heard some mumbling about big words from one of them. Why are they so childish and impatient? "We can play Mario Kart while we wait if you guys want?" The others looked less than thrilled by this until Dream added on "...and I'll give whoever gets first overall 20 bucks." "Deal!" was immediately heard from Sapnap as the other two perked up.


They played for a lot more than five minutes.

Two hours later, Punz was in first place with Dream not far behind. George and Sapnap lagged behind in 5th and 6th. They were on the last map, and this round decided their final standings. "Sapnap, get out of my way!" George screeched as Sapnap's little character swerved in front of him. Punz was in first, surprising no one, and Sapnap and George were on his tail. Dream was a bit behind after hitting one too many bananas on the second lap. Dream hit a prize box as the whiney Brit got blown up by Sap's bomb and immediately used his prize, splattering everyone else's screen in black ink splotches.

"Dream! What the hell?!" Sapnap jokingly exclaimed, momentarily taking his hand off his controller to hit his friend. The final turn of the map was fast approaching and Dream was making his way up in ranks. He had moved from 8th to 3rd in a short time and was on his way to 1st when he was hit by Punz's shell and lost it all. Everyone else went racing past the finish line as NPCs flashed by. Dream finally passed the line as the screen lit up with the end screen.

He rested his head on the couch cushion, staring up at the ceiling with a small smile as his friends cheered in the background, making background noise as Dream's mind lost its distraction. Try as he might, he couldn't stop going back to the cliff. He knew that he remembered it, and yeah, the person in his memories matched Techno, but there was no way. It couldn't be the same person. They would know.

Dream was pulled out of his imagination as his brother yanked him off the couch by the arm. The group migrated to the kitchen and they started looking for food as Punz pestered Dream for the aforementioned prize money. "C'mon, you promised!" Dream scoffed. "I didn't promise shit." Punz looked less than thrilled about this so Dream quickly pulled out his wallet. "Butttttt, you still kicked ass. So here." Punz smirked, taking the cash. "That's what I thought."

Dream's phone lay forgotten for hours as they played games, placed bets, and ate copious amounts of junk food.


【Pork Soda】- A Dreamnoblade StoryWhere stories live. Discover now