Chapter 6

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It was finally Saturday and today I would go to see Harry for the first time. I'm really nervous but also excited. "Drive safe boobear!" My mum called out. She knows I'm nervous so she is a bit skeptical about me driving but I'll be fine. The drive to Holmes Chapel was a 2 hour drive so it's not that long. I started the engine and I took off.

2 hours later I arrived at Holmes Chapel. Harry gave me his address and I was now in front of his door. I took a deep breath and I walked to the door. I knocked and a second later the door was opened by Harry. He looked even more gorgeous than online. We just stood there looking at each other and not saying anything. I walked towards him and I wrapped my arms around him. I nuzzled my face in his neck since he was taller. We had a beautiful moment until I heard Harry's mum.

"Aww you guys are so cute." "Mum!" Harry said. She put her hands up in defense and I laughed. "Come in Lou." The house was very cute. I had seen it from times that Harry showed me through facetime. I put my bags down since it was going to be a sleepover. We talked for a bit more and eventually it was evening.

Harry and I grabbed a lot of snacks and we walked into Harry's room. When I walked in I saw a fort built of blankets with a lot of fairy lights. It was really cute. "This is amazing Haz. Did you do all of this?" He blushed and looked at the ground. "Yeah, with some help from my mum." "It's really nice." We changed into our pyjamas which wasn't awkward at all. Actually nothing was awkward today.

We climbed into the fort with all the snacks and we chose the movie The Notebook. We cuddled into each other and started to watch the movie. At the end of the movie Harry was crying. He snuggled closer in my chest and I cuddled him even closer which wasn't really possible.

When it was 3am we decided to go to sleep. We laid face to face and I started to lean in. Harry did too and we met each other in the middle. Our lips brushed. The kiss was sweet and loving no tongue. The kiss was perfect. We both pulled away and Harry cuddled into my chest again.

"Goodnight Lou" "Goodnight Haz." I gave him a kiss on the head and we both drifted to a peaceful sleep. 

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