meeting noopy noop

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"y/n!" you groan as ur mom calls you from downstairs. you throw your dirty blonde hair into a messy bun and throw on your hoodie and ripped blue jeans.

you walk down the stairs, greeting your mom in the kitchen. 

"SURPRISE!!" she says, and she shows you the pancakes that look like a smiley face. you smile and act surprised, even though she does this every year. 

"are you ready for 10th grade??" she asks, beaming at you. 

"yes, mom" you sigh, watching as the school bus rolls in in front of your house. "I have to go, I'll eat the panckates after school" 

"okay sweetie, I luv  chuuu <333" 

you walk outside, getting on the bright yellow school bos. the jocks yell at you as you walk on.

"hey, y/n! nice fucking shoes u fucking weirdo!" you look down at your sponge bob crocs. you think they're cool. you sigh and sit alone. the bus ride is boring and you play canfdy crush on your phone until you get to school, using nordvpn to secure ur loction.

when you reach the gate, you hear a roaring sound and a big black motorbike pulls up into the parking lot. a girl with long, beautiful brown hair and gorgeous eyes takes off her helmet, shaking out her hair. you gasp at the sight of her beauty, tripping over the curb on your way to the gates. you fall, face planting into the concrete sidewalk. the girl walks towards you, her ripped vans almost stepping on your play dough face on the sidewalk. 

"wow you rewaelly took a fall there" she looks at you, not even trying to pick you up. wow what a bitc.  you sigh and pick yourself off the ground. 

"I'm cyber noopy" she says.

"I'm y/n"

"well, y/n, you're really fucking sexy lets fukc in the band room at lunch okay?"


"I love you, y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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