the perfect shot

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Red Eye Jack just finished another assassination job. He was a sniper and made good money, money he was about to blow at a bar.

Junior was a photographer. He loved zooming in from far away on things with his camera, getting the perfect shot. He usually took pictures of animals because magazines paid decently for the pictures. But he really wanted to zoom in on a human being. He just got paid and was going to blow money at the bar.

Both Red Eye Jack and Junior came up at the Loaded Gun Saloon at the same time. Jack came from the left, Junior from the right and they met in the middle. "You first." Jack said holding the door open for Junior, who smiled and walked in. "Thank you." He replied. Looking around the bar was crowded and there wasn't a lot of booths open. "Hey man," Junior turned towards the man that had opened the door for him. "Do you wanna hang with me since there aren't a lot of tables open?" The man smiled at Junior. "That would be awesome man!" And with that they sat down and started drinking. Soon enough they were chatting like old friends. " By the way, I never asked what you do for a living." Junior probed as Jack Smiled mischievously. "Let's just say I like to get the perfect shot on people." Junior's eyes lit up at one of his favorite topics. HE loved talking about getting the perfect shot, but it usually bored other people. "Oh my gadding Gideon, I love zooming in and getting the perfect shot, but I usually do that with animals because if I leave my job now to maybe being able to find a company that would hire my to shoot people there is too much risk and too much time without a paycheck. If I was able to find a company that would hire me in about two weeks I would, but I don't even know where to start." Jack smiled. "I work for an agency called Zoom In. They are always looking to hire people! I could help you get in, as long as I know that you are a good shot and reliable, they know me pretty well and I could get you in." Juniors stood up excited and almost fell back down because he was quite drunk at this point. They both were. "How about we have a contest right now to show who can get the perfect shot. If I win, then you get me into Zoom In and if I loose then I will just have to get in on my own merit." Junior proposed as he already started reaching for his bag. "I don't knowww you sure about this?" Jack looked around at all the people. "There are a ton of witnesses." Junior barely even heard him. "Why don't we see who can get the best shot at the bartender?" Jack looked at the bartender dubiously. "You want to shoot the man giving us shots?" He asked. "Yeah man! Whats the worst that can happen? We get arrested and to jail for eternity?" Junior joked. Jack titled his head slightly concerned but drunk enough to be convinced. "Eh whatever." He muttered shaking himself out of his hazy thoughts. A slow grin spread across his face. "Let's do this!" He exclaimed. They both went through their bags in search of their equipment. Neither looked at the other or saw what they were getting out. They had to use all their concentration to get their own things set up. Junior heard a clicking noise from his partner, but he paid him no mind. He couldn't dwell on that there was a picture to be taken and possibly a new job on the line. Quickly as he could, he started to zoom in on the bartender, this had to be the perfect shot...

Red Eye Jack quickly assembled his sniper riffle. With a few snaps, the gun was loaded and ready for the perfect shot. HE looked in to the scope and started to zoom in on the bartender, this had to be the perfect shot...

Jerry had just inherited the Loaded Gun Saloon from his father, Jerome. Jerome had trained Jerry to take over the family business before he could even talk. His favorite memories was waking up early and helping clean up the bar at about 7 am in the morning as a little kid. Though often they would chase each other around and 'sample' leftover food instead of actual cleaning. Jerry looked forward to taking over the bar since he was a teen. But this was way to soon. His father died in a car crash leaving the way clear to his dream, but at a terrible price. He never imagined taking over at 25, with a wife and a baby girl on the way. His unborn baby gave him hope and excitement. He couldn't wait to make the same memories at the bar as he had with his dad. His wife joked that he might actually just burst from excitement and anticipation of the arrival of the girl and that he would love the baby more than her. He would wrap his arms around her and kiss her. Then he would tell her that as excited as he was to have a little girl, he would always love his wife the most.

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